Cabinet Secretariat Follows Up All BPK Recommendations

Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Administrative Affairs Farid Utomo receives the Supreme Audit Agency’s Audit Report on the 2022 Cabinet Secretariat Financial Report from BPK Member Achsanul Qosasi, Monday (07/10) at BPK Office, Jakarta. (Photo: Agung/PR)
Cabinet Secretariat was able to complete the follow-up on the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK)’s recommendations, Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Administrative Affairs Farid Utomo has announced.
Of 35 ministries/institutions within BPK’s Audit Unit (AKN) III scope, there are four institutions that have achieved 100 percent follow-up completion, namely the Cabinet Secretariat, the Supreme Court, the National Archives and the BPK.
“The Cabinet Secretariat always follows up the BPK’s findings or recommendations. That is our biggest achievement to reach 100 percent along with three other ministries/institutions,” said Farid.
On that occasion, Farid also expressed gratitude for obtaining an unqualified opinion (WTP) given by the BPK for the 2022 Cabinet Secretariat Financial Report for the eleventh times in a row from 2012 to 2022.
Farid emphasized that the Cabinet Secretariat will continue to make improvements and increase accountability in the use of the budget.
“We will keep improving it in our institution,” he remarked.
Previously, the BPK member Achsanul Qosasi expressed appreciation to the ministries/institutions that had supported the implementation of the audit of financial statements conducted by the BPK.
“I extend my highest appreciation to the heads of the ministries and institutions for the hard work and enthusiasm in supporting the implementation of the 2022 financial reports audit by the BPK,” said Qosasi.
Qosasi stated that the criteria used in the examination included compliance with government accounting standards (SAP), adequacy of financial information disclosure, effectiveness of the internal control system, and compliance with laws and regulations.
“The next examination will be carried out in 2024. I hope that every institution will always be committed to maintaining integrity in state financial management,” said Qosasi.
Based on BPK audit results, out of 35 ministries/institutions financial reports in AKN III, 34 of them received an unqualified opinion and one with a qualified opinion. (FID/UN) (EST/MMB)