Cabinet Secretariat Holds FGD on Electronic-Based Government Systems

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 13 Februari 2023
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Deputy to Cabinet Secretary for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Purnomo Sucipto opens an FGD on Common Perceptions in Handling the Ministerial/Institutional Regulation Bill on Electronic-Based Government Systems in Jakarta, Monday (02/13). (Photo by: PR/Agung)

Cabinet Secretariat urged ministries/institutions to implement Presidential Regulation Number 95 of 2018 on Electronic-Based Government Systems and Presidential Regulation Number 132 of 2022 on the Architecture of National Electronic-Based Government Systems in the development of information systems within the ministries/institutions.

The use of electronic-based government systems is critical to producing governance that supports the achievements of government programs and policies while at the same time providing satisfaction to the people as users of public services.

“I hope that digitization and the implementation of electronic-based government systems can be realized in all ministries/institutions including the regional governments as a system and ecosystem. So, it is not partial. There are no silos,” Deputy to Cabinet Secretary for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs Purnomo Sucipto said in an FGD on Common Perceptions in Handling the Ministerial/Institutional Regulation Bill on Electronic-Based Government Systems in Jakarta, Monday (02/13).

The Deputy stated that there are several issues to be addressed on electronic-based government systems one of which is that the systems prepared by ministries/institutions have not been integrated with the big system of the national electronic-based government system.

“The ministries/institutions are still developing general applications or developing a specific application that is also being developed centrally as general application,” he said.

Therefore, he said, there is a need for common perceptions between the ministries/institutions involved in drafting ministerial/institutional regulations related to electronic-based government systems so that each micro policy is integrated.

Purnomo also said that a forum to discuss electronic-based government systems should involve several ministries/institutions such as Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform, Ministry of Communication and Informatics, the National Development Planning Agency, and the National Cyber and Crypto Agency.

“I hope this discussion can contribute to efforts to create a modern government system, which is supported by strong and steady electronic-based government systems,” he stated.

Purnomo also expressed optimism that integrated electronic-based government systems will support the Government’s efforts to reform the bureaucracy. (TGH/UN) (FI/LW)

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