Cabinet Secretariat Holds FGD on Strategic Risk Management in Public Sector

Participants of FGD on Strategic Risk Management in Public Sector, Monday (12/11), Ministry of State Secretariat’s hall, Jakarta. (Photo: PR of Cabinet Secretariat/Jay)
Cabinet Secretariat held a focus group discussion (FGD) on Strategic Risk Management in Public Sector, Monday (12/11). The discussion held at Ministry of State Secretariat’s hall was participated by a number of speakers from Development and Finance Comptroller (BPKP).
“We kindly ask your favor to guide us, educate us on risk mitigation. So, please guide us to be more advanced, and to be more at the forefront,” Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Administration Farid Utomo said during the opening of the discussion
Farid said that, previously BPKP has carried out an evaluation on the implementation of Government Internal Controller System (SPIP) at the Cabinet Secretariat. The FGD, Farid added, was aimed to optimize Cabinet Secretariat’s performance achievement in conducting public service.
“The recommendation [given by BPKP] is that Cabinet Secretariat to be more aware of strategic tendencies, that is the recommendation related to risk mitigation,” he further explained.
Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Administration said that concerning risk mitigation, Cabinet Secretariat has already had Regulation of Cabinet Secretariat Number 1 of 2019 on Risk Assessment Guidance at Cabinet Secretariat’s Work Units. Additionally, Cabinet Secretariat also referred to Presidential Regulation Number 39 of 2023 on National Development Risk Management (MRPN).
“The focus is that we have to see the structure, context of the tasks and functions, and lastly, more strategic in understanding risk mitigation,” he remarked.
The speakers from BPKP were Deputy to the Head of BPKP for Government Institutions Controlling for Political, Legal, Security, Human Development, and Cultural Affairs Iwan Taufik Purwanto; Director for Controlling for Defense and Security Affairs Yan Setiadi; Coordinator for SPIP and Bureaucratic Reform of Bureau of Performance Management, Organization, and Governance (MKOT) Didi Wahyudi; and Sub Coordinator for SPIP of Bureau of MKOT Ditya Permana.
The FGD was focused on dissemination on MRPN and strategic risk management in public sector, risk management implementation in BPKP, and introduction of the application of BPKP’s Risk Management Integrated System. MRPN is aimed to, among others, support the achievement of national development targets, encourage MRPN entities to be more proactive and anticipative in facing uncertainties in order to achieve national development targets.
Attending the FGD were Cabinet Secretariat’s Inspector Muhammad Irwan, Cabinet Secretariat’s Senior Auditor Hendri Daud, and a number of officials and staff of Cabinet Secretariat. (FID/UN)(AW/LW)