Cabinet Secretariat Holds FGD on Telemedicine

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 24 September 2020
Category: News
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Deputy to Cabinet Secretary for Human Development and Culture Affairs Yuli Harsono opens the Focus Group Discussion on Telemedicine via video conference, Thursday (24/9). (Photo by: PR/Ibrahim)

Cabinet Secretariat through the Deputy for Human Development and Culture Affairs held a virtual Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the theme “Telemedicine: Regulation and Challenges in its Implementation” on Thursday (24/9).

According to Deputy to Cabinet Secretary for Human Development and Culture Affairs Yuli Harsono, the FGD was a response to the rapid development of telemedicine, especially in this digital era and amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

This FGD, Yuli continued, was also held to discuss current telemedicine regulations in which among them are the Health Law, the Medical Practice Law, the Information and Electronic Transactions Law, the Minister of Health Regulation, the Minister of Health Circular, the Indonesian Medical Council Regulation on telemedicine, and so on.

“The challenges lie in the quality of health services, patient safety as well as doctors, doctor’s license to practice health services through telemedicine, information technology, and data security of the patients,” he said.

For the records, these are the President’s directives on telemedicine:

First, at the Limited Meeting on 6 April 2020, the President said that the public needs to be educated on matters related to telemedicine.

Second, at the Limited Meeting on 13 April 2020, the President appreciated the use of telemedicine because it could reduce the risk of medical personnel during the current pandemic.

Third, at the Plenary Cabinet Session on 6 May 2020, the President instructed the reform and improvement of the national health system including telemedicine.

Fourth, at the Limited Meeting on 4 June 2020, the President emphasized that national digitalization is very important, including digitizing the health sector through telemedicine.

“We will propose the results of the FGD discussion as a policy recommendation on telemedicine to the President,” said Yuli.

The speakers who attended this FGD were:

  • Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim Ph.D., Sp.THT-KL (K)., MARS (Acting Director-General of Health Services to Ministry of Health);
  • Dr. Irwan Heriyanto, MARS (Chief of Medical Halodoc);
  • Dr. Daeng Muhammad Faqih, S.H., M.H. (Chairperson of the Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association);
  • Tulus Abadi, S.H. (Chairperson of the Daily Executive Board of the Indonesian Consumers Foundation).

The FGD was attended by 139 participants consisting of officials and staff within the Cabinet Secretariat, related Ministries/Institutions, the Indonesian National Defense Forces/the National Police, the Indonesian Medical Council, professional organizations, health associations, tertiary institutions, non-governmental organizations, WHO Representative for Indonesia, the USAID, and Fleming Fund Indonesia. (MAY/EN)



Translated by: Fairuzzamani Inayatillah
Reviewed by: Muhardi   

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