Cabinet Secretariat Holds Interpreting Training for Government Translators/Interpreters

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 10 Oktober 2023
Category: News
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Government Translators/Interpreters in an online session of Interpreting Training Batch IV, Tuesday (10/10). (Photo: PR of Cabinet Secretariat/Jay)

Cabinet Secretariat’s Government Translators and Interpreters Development Center (Pusbinter) is currently holding Interpreting Training Batch IV for government translators/interpreters. This training is held online from 10 to 18 October 2023.

In his written remarks, Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Administrative Affairs Faried Utomo called on government translators/interpreters to make international events held in Indonesia successful, for example the 2023 Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum held in Bali on October 10-11.

“In the context of international relation, Indonesia has been trusted to host a number of international events, such as the 2022 G20 Summit, the 42nd and 43rd ASEAN Summit, and the 2023 AIS Summit, and Indonesia will be hosting the 10th World Water Forum in Bandung next year. Therefore, supports from all elements, including the interpreters, are needed to make the international event successful,” Faried mentioned in his remarks read by Head of Cabinet Secretariat’s Government Translators and Interpreters Development Center (Pusbinter) Sri Wahyu Utami.

Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Administrative Affairs emphasized that the interpreters play a role in enhancing communication and strengthen international relations. Besides, he added that an interpreter should have a deep knowledge on source language and target language, including its grammar, culture, and social context.

“An interpreter who does not have enough knowledge on the culture of an area or a country will make his/her translation lacks of quality and accuracy,” he added.

As the institution that fosters Functional Position of Translators/Interpreters, Faried further mentioned, Cabinet Secretariat through Pusbinter continues to increase the capability of government translators/interpreters in the aspects of education and training.

One of the trainings provided is basic interpreting training that included theories, practices of consecutive, simultaneous, and remote simultaneous interpreting. Faried said that basic interpreting technic is a foundation for interpreters.

“After this interpreting training, the interpreters are expected to participate in the advanced level interpreting training that focuses on interpreting practices, including simultaneous interpreting, so the interpreters are ready to carry out their task in the international conferences,” he remarked.

The Interpreting Training Batch IV will involve Amelia Lemondhi as the speaker, an interpreting practitioner and  Inanti Pinintakasih Diran, an academician of International Languages Institution (LBI UI), University of Indonesia.

The opening of the online training was also attended by Cabinet Secretariat’s Inspector Muhammad Irwandi, Head of Cabinet Secretariat’s Accountability and Bureaucratic Reform Bureau (AKRB) Mita Apriyanti, and Director of LBI UI Usmi. (TGH/UN)(AW/LW)

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