Cabinet Secretariat Holds Ramadan Amicable Gathering

Vice Cabinet Secretary and Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Adiministrative Affairs pose for a group photo in a silaturahmi (amicable gathering), at the Multipurpose Hall of Building III of the Ministry of State Secretariat, on Wednesday (21/6)
In a bid to encourage togetherness among the employees, the Cabinet Secretariat on Wednesday (21/6), at the Multipurpose Hall of Building III of the Ministry of State Secretariat held a silaturahmi (amicable gathering) and social activities during Ramadan as a manifestation of the values of Pancasila (Indonesias five principles).
The event was begun with an Al-Quran recital. Shortly after, a sermon was delivered by Ustadz Dr. M. Hidayat, M.B.A., M.H as the khatib (a person who delivers the sermon) of Baiturrahim Mosque that is located at the Presidential Palace complex, Jakarta.
Vice Cabinet Secretary Ratih Nurdiati, in her remarks, thanked the employees for attending the event to hold a silaturahmi in such togetherness and kinship atmosphere, particularly in this holy month of Ramadan.
Ratih hopes that the well-built silaturahmi can enhance the cooperation of Cabinet Secretariat employees in supporting the President and Vice President in running the Government. Hopefully, the Ramadan month may forge us into a more religious person, who are wise and professional in conducting our works, Ratih Nurdianti said.
Ratih also reminded all about Pancasila as the ideology, principle, philosophy, and characteristic of the state, and the commemoration of the Founding of Pancasila in 1 June. We should use the momentum to reaffirm our commitment to implement the values of Pancasila in our everyday life, Ratih firmly said.
In that consideration, Presidential Working Unit for the Implementation of the State Ideology of Pancasila (UKP-PIP) was established under Presidential Regulation Number 54 of 2017. The Working Unit aimed at internalizing the values of Pancasila in every persons life.
The Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (unity in diversity) are the four fundamental pillars in the life of the nation. Pancasila and Bhinneka (diversity) are the integral parts of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. If we lose one pillar, the building of the nation is in a danger of collapsing, Ratih firmly stated.
Therefore, Ratih asked all to use the diversity, as Allahs gift to Indonesia, for the greatest benefit of our nation.
Let alone, the values of Pancasila should be implemented in the governance, work environment, family, and other social environment. We devote our time to work sincerely to support the Government for the sake of progress and prosperity of our nation, Ratih concluded.
Also on that occasion, Ratih extended an apology from the Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung for being absent in the event.
On that event, social assistance was distributed to the retirees of Cabinet Secretariat, janitors, and garderners of Cabinet Secretariat, as well as yatim (fatherless children).
Attending the event were Expert Staffs and Special Staffs to Cabinet Secretary, Deputies, echelon I, II, III officials, employees of Cabinet Secretary, and the officials of Dharma Wanita Persatuan (organization for the wives of Indonesian civil servants) of the Cabinet Secretariat.