Cabinet Secretariat Holds Technical Guidance on SITAP

A Technical Guidance held by Cabinet Secretariat on Wednesday (21/3) (Photo by: Rahmat/Public Relations Division)
Deputy Cabinet Secretary for the Economy of the Cabinet Secretariat on Wednesday (21/3), at a Meeting Room of the Ministry of State Secretariat Building, held a Technical Guidance on Information System for Follow-Up to the President’s Directives (SITAP), concerning monitoring report of the Presidents directives.
In his remarks, Assistant to the Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Accelerated Infrastructure, Regional Development and Industry Abdul Muis who is present on behalf of the Deputy Cabinet Secretary for the Economy asserted that todays event is a follow-up of coordinating meeting hosted by Cabinet Secretary on 27 February 2018.
In the previous coordinating meeting attended by secretary-general, and secretaries of ministers, and Officials of Echelon 1, dissemination for Presidential Instruction Number 7 of 2017 on the Formulation, Supervision, and Monitoring of Policy Implementation in Ministries and Non-ministerial Government Institutions (LPNK) was discussed.
This is probably the first Technical Guidance, nevertheless, it may be followed-up with other Technical Guidances in order to improve working relationships between Coordinating Ministries and Cabinet Secretariat regarding the implementation of Presidential Instruction Number 7 of 2017, Muis added.
Reiterating Cabinet Secretarys directives during the previous dissemination, Muis said that the Cabinet Secretary has instructed secretaries of ministers to assist him in the supervision and monitoring process of the implementation and follow-up of Presidents directives.
Concluding his remarks, Muis also expressed his gratitude to all sides supporting the formulation of system used to implement the monitoring and follow-up of Presidents directives.
Joining the event were Assistant to the Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Accelerated Infrastructure, Regional Development and Industry Abdul Muis, Head of Center for Data, Information, and Technology Suwanto, and representatives of Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, and staffs of Deputy Cabinet Secretary for the Economy.(FID/RAH/EN) (RAS/MUR/MMB/Naster)