Cabinet Secretariat Organizes FGD on Poverty Prevention Efforts in Papua

The atmosphere of FGD on Poverty Prevention Efforts in Papua, in Meeting Room 2nd Floor, Cabinet Secretariat, Jakarta, Wednesday (6/5)
Deputy of Peoples Welfare,Cabinet Secretariat, Surat Indijarso leads the FGD on Poverty Prevention Efforts in Papua, which was held in the Cabinet Secretariat, Jakarta, Wednesday (6/5). Surat Indijarso confirms that the Government is committed to solving the problems in Papua through dialogue. Therefore, the Government expects inputs from various parties, especially from communities of Papua.
“We hope in this forum could obtain feedback, what actually becomes a red thread or a substance that can be done by the government,” Surat Indijarso said in his speech when led the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) of group discussion on the Poverty Prevention Efforts in Papua.
The discussion with the speaker Lenis Kogoya, M Taha Al Hamid, Poengky Indarti (from impartiality), Paskallis Kossay, Major General (ret) Sudrajat, Phil Erari, Amiruddin Al Rahab, Hironimus Hilapok, Haris Azhar lifted subthemes:
1. Design of the government’s policy to improve development access to the people of Papua;
2. Socio-cultural dynamics of Papua, modalities to improve social welfare in Papua.
Surat Indijarso reminds that Papua is very broad and rich. He hopes that the gold mining industry and LNG is not only beneficial for the company, but also the people of Papua. (Humas Setkab/ES).