Cabinet Secretariat Organizes Test for Government Translators

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 18 Februari 2019
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Deputy to Cabinet Secretary for Cabinet Work Support Yuli Harsono delivers his remarks during the opening of Competency Test for Indonesian Government Translators and Interpreters in Bogor, West Java, Monday (18/2). Photo by: Deny S/PR.

Deputy to Cabinet Secretary for Cabinet Work Support Yuli Harsono delivers his remarks during the opening of Competency Test for Indonesian Government Translators and Interpreters in Bogor, West Java, Monday (18/2). Photo by: Deny S/PR.

Deputy to Cabinet Secretary for Cabinet Work Support Yuli Harsono officially opened the Competency Test for Indonesian Government Translators and Interpreters (known as Pejabat Fungsional Penerjemah/ Functional Translator Officials) in Bogor, West Java, Monday (18/2).

In his remarks, Yuli Harsono said that Government Regulation on Civil Service Management requires every Functional Translator Officials to take and pass the test as one of the prerequisites for promotion.

Yuli added that the requirement is also stipulated in Regulation of Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms Number 49 of 2014 on Translator Functional Position as amended by regulation of Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms Number 1 of 2016 on Translator Functional Position.

On that occasion, Yuli called on the test participants to conduct the test and the training seriously. He also expressed his gratitude for the trainers participating in the event.

For the record, the test began with training on TOEFL Proficiency, Bahasa Indonesia Proficiency, interpreting and translating. The trainers come from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National University, Language and Book Development Agency and International Language Institution of University of Indonesia.

Yuli also said that Cabinet Secretariat as the fostering agency of Government translators and interpreters is committed to developing competence of Government translators and interpreters through various training, including the 8th training for first-level translators to be held next month, technical training on translation of Government legal draft and interpreting, technical guidance and seminar on Translator Functional Position.

Yuli went on to say that the process to increase remuneration of Government translators and interpreters is underway.

In the meantime, Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents and Translation Eko Harnowo reports that the Competence Test will be held from Monday (18/2) to Saturday (23/2). The participants of the test are 20 Translator Functional Officials from several Government institutions, namely Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Communication and Informatics, Ministry of Transportation, Supreme Court, Language Center of Central Java Province, Language Center of East Java Province, Language Office of Jambi Province, Provincial Government of Riau, Provincial Government of Bangka Belitung Islands, Provincial Government of Gorontalo, and Municipalities of West Bangka.

Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Edited by: Mia Medyana

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