Cabinet Secretariat, SEAMEO Hold Training for Government Translators

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 19 Juni 2023
Category: News
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Personnel of the Pusbinter of Cabinet Secretariat join personnel of SEAMEO RELC in a photo session. Photo by: Pusbinter of Cabinet Secretariat.

Cabinet Secretariat’s Translator Development Center (Pusbinter) joins hands with Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Language Centre (SEAMEO RELC) in organizing English and communication training for Indonesian Government translators and interpreters.

The training entitled “English Language and Communication Skills Course for Indonesian Government Translators and Interpreters in 2023” is slated to be held in Singapore from 19 to 26 June 2023.

Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Suryopratomo, expressed gratitude for the implementation of the training and expressed hope that the training will boost the translators and interpreters’ competence.

“This training has two objectives, namely to improve the participants’ skills to communicate in English and deliver presentations,” Suryopratomo said.

Suryopratomo also highlighted the important role of translators and interpreters in bridging communication between two different languages and in providing precise and accurate translation.

“Translators and interpreters must be neutral, agile, and able to work under pressure in a limited time to provide precise and accurate translation,” he said.

Suryopratomo also expressed hope that the training will make impact on relations and cultural exchanges among different countries.

For the record, the training is attended by six best participants from the Government translator and interpreter trainings organized by the Pusbinter from 2020 to 2022.

The participants come from Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Statistics Indonesia (BPS), Provincial Government of Central Kalimantan and Provincial Government of Bengkulu.

The trainers are professionals from SEAMEO RELC and the training is in line with the competency development targeted by the Pusbinter and the job requirements of the Government translators and interpreters (PFP). (PUSBINTER/UN) (RI/MMB)

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