Cabinet Secretariat’s Public Relations Receives Study Visit from Mercu Buana University

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 22 Juli 2022
Category: News
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Assistant Deputy of Public Relations and Protocol of the Cabinet Secretariat Said Muhidin delivers presentation before students of Mercu Buana University, Thursday (07/21) through video conference.

Cabinet Secretariat’s Office of the Assistant to the Deputy for Public Relations and Protocol Thursday (07/21) received a virtual study visit from students of Mercu Buana University.

The event adopting the theme “Public Relations as the Front Guard of the Organization” began with virtual tour to the office.

Assistant Deputy of Public Relations and Protocol of the Cabinet Secretariat Said Muhidin told the students that his office has a duty to disseminate information to the public regarding the works and performances of the Cabinet led by President and Vice President.

He went on to say that office of public relations at the Cabinet Secretariat has different tasks with that of technical ministries where it focuses on the President, Vice President, members of the Cabinet/Government agencies, Cabinet Secretariat, Presidential Special Staffers, and other working units.

Said underscored that Cabinet Secretariat played an active role in the public by disseminating positive vibrations on the Government’s programs, actions, and achievements through its website and social media platforms.

“We can proudly say that Cabinet Secretariat’s website is the main and most-completed source of information. Our website, be it news article or speech transcription, has been referred by other media,” he added.

On that occasion, the Assistant Deputy also mentioned about challenges during the pandemic which affected all components of life including the Government’s public relations.

“Restrictions that were implemented to tackle the pandemic have forced the Government’s public relations to transform in order to disseminate information to the people and educate them,” he stated.

The Government’s policies in handling the COVID-19 pandemic and recovering the economy are very dynamic. Therefore, the Government’s public relations must always be ready to relay the information to the public.

“Cabinet Secretariat, in its social media, has been very active in publishing all aspects of handling the pandemic and National Economic Recovery (PEN) since the very first time the pandemic hit, starting from the evacuation of Indonesian citizens from Wuhan, confirmation of the first case in Indonesia, to various dynamic policies taken by the Government,” he said, adding that the office also has a task to encourage public participation.

According to him, the goals of the Government’s public relations are to boost the Government’s reputation and build public trust. The trust is expected to derive support and increase public participation in the implementation of the Government’s programs that will lead to the realization of an Advanced Indonesia 2045. (UN) (RAS/HD/MUR)

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