Cabinet Secretary: Anyone Can be A Hero

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 10 November 2019
Category: News
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Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung talks in an interview on the National Heroes’ Day, at his office, Jakarta. (Photo by: Agung/PR)

Anyone can be a hero today as long as they can give positive contribution for the nation’s advancement, according to Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung.

“It is because heroes can be more general, for example sporting heroes, humanity heroes, art heroes, culture heroes, or even those committed no corruption when they have strategic and high positions,” Pramono said in an interview on the National Heroes’ Day, at his office, Jakarta.

Thus, he added, heroes of our time can be anyone. All people have equal opportunities to become a hero but it will be different than heroes who fought for the country and independence. Those heroes were persistent and have sacrificed everything to gain independence, to provide education to the children of the nation, and to preserve national cultures.

The Cabinet Secretary invited all to take the former heroes’ attitudes and their loves for the country as a model to make good deeds, and be a hero who contributes to the advancement of the country.

“I believe it can be a good example for young generation and future generation since context of the heroes will be different according to time. Once again, everyone has opportunities to become a hero,” he added.

Pramono expressed belief that Indonesia’s young generation can give positive contribution to the nation, country, humanity, and their environments.

“Thus, work hard and give your best because anyone can be a hero. You are the heroes, we are the heroes, and I am a hero of our time!” he concluded. (SLN/AGG/ES)




Translated by : Rany Anjany Subachrum
Edited by : Yuyu Mulyani

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