Cabinet Secretary Congratulates Owi/Butet on Winning Indonesian Open Title

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 19 Juni 2017
Category: News
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Tontowi Ahmad/Liliyana Natsir celebrates after winning 2017 Indonesian Open title

Tontowi Ahmad/Liliyana Natsir celebrates after winning 2017 Indonesian Open title

The success of Indonesia’s badminton mixed double pair Tontowi Ahmad/Liliyana Natsir (Owi/Butet) to win the 2017 Indonesian Open Badminton Championship title after beating Chinese pair Zheng Siwei/Chen Qingchen 22-20 and 21-15 at the Final held at the Plenary Hall Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Senayan, Jakarta, Sunday (18/6), received appreciation from a number of Indonesian high-ranking officials.

Shortly after the win, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung congratulated the pair for the achievement, which he said, makes the whole Indonesia proud. “Congratulations on the title to Butet-Owi, a mixed double that Indonesia is proud of,” Pramono said through his Twitter account @pramonoanung on Sunday (18/6) evening.

Minister of Youth and Sports Imam Nahrawi through his Twitter account @imam_nahrawi also congratulated the pair for the win.

“Congratulations to Owi/Butet, Mixed Double Champion at #IndonesiaSSP-IN,” Imam tweeted on Sunday.

Tontowi/Liliyana was the only Indonesian representative at the Final, which was the third Indonesian Open Final for the pair after they failed in the previous two attempts. In 2011, the Indonesian pair lost to Chinese pair Zhang Nan/Zhao Yunlei at the Final while in 2012, Thailand’s pair Sudket Prapakamol/Saralee Thoungthongkam beat them at the Final.

For Liliyana herself, it was her third Indonesian Open title besides the ones that she won in 2005 with Nova Widhianto in Mixed Double and in 2010 with Vita Marissa in Women’s Double. (RMI/ES) (EP/YM/Naster) 

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