Cabinet Secretary Deputy Monitors Child-friendly City Policy Implementation in E. Kalimantan

Deputy Cabinet Secretary to Human Development and Culture Yuli Harsono speaks with regional government of North Penajam Paser regency, East Kalimantan province, Wednesday (07/10). (Photo by: PR of Cabinet Secretariat/Jay)
Deputy to Cabinet Secretary for Human Development and Culture Yuli Harsono Wednesday (07/10) monitored the implementation of child-friendly city/regency (KLA) policy during his working visit to East Kalimantan province.
The agenda was held in collaboration with Ministry of Women Empowerment and Child Protection, Presidential Staff Office, Ministry of Home Affairs, and Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN)/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas).
“We’re here to understand how child-friendly city/regency policy is implemented in East Kalimantan province,” Yuli said, adding that he inspected the implementation of the program by visiting health facilities, schools, and regional government offices in North Penajam Paser regency, Paser regency, and Balikpapan city.
The policy, he added, aims at ensuring child protection and the fulfillment of children’s rights at regency/city level.
For the record, Cabinet Secretariat is involved in the monitoring and policy formulation of the issue and the monitoring result will later be used for evaluation and improvement of the policy.
“In the near future, the implementation or KLA program is expected to sustain and be improved. Since the action plan regarding the KLA will expire in 2024, it will be replaced by Presidential Regulation Number 25 of 2021 on KLA Policy,” he said, while expressing hope that the continuation of the KLA program will ensure children’s rights and protection. (KS/ABD) (RAS/EP)