Cabinet Secretary Hands Over 2022 Budget Implementation List

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 4 Januari 2022
Category: News
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Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung hands over the Cabinet Secretariat’s 2022 Budget Implementation List (DIPA) to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Administrative Affairs Farid Utomo, Tuesday (01/04). (Photo by: PR/Jay)

Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung called on officials at the institution to give their best performance to provide management support to the President and Vice President in the governance, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Cabinet Secretariat as the office that supports the President and Vice President must stay focused during our works, concentrate well, and work with spirit to provide the best services for the President and Vice President,” Pramono said at the handover of the Cabinet Secretariat’s Budget Implementation List (DIPA) to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Administrative Affairs Farid Utomo as the institution’s Budget User Authority (KPA), Tuesday (01/04), Jakarta.

Pramono went on to say that currently Indonesia has managed to bring the COVID-19 pandemic under control with daily confirmed cases within a range of 100-200 cases.

Along with the improving trend of COVID-19 situation, the national economy is also reviving and is expected to grow by 3.8 to 4 percent year-on-year (y-o-y). The right handling, he added, was attributed to cooperation from the Government and all layers of society.

“This showed that our efforts have paid off. In addition, our trade balance has been showing a positive trend during the past 18 months. Those are the indicators that we are already on the right track. Thus, we must remain focused to work, work, and work,” he said.

On that occasion, Pramono also ordered his ranks to postpone nonessential travel to other countries considering a spike in omicron cases abroad.

In addition to handing over the DIPA, Pramono Anung also handed over the 2022 Operational Activity Guidelines (POK), Budget Proposal (RAB), and Terms of Reference (KAK) to working units at Cabinet Secretariat.

This year, the Cabinet Secretariat receives Rp326.3 billion of budget. The budget is allocated to six offices of deputies at Cabinet Secretariat, as well as Presidential Special Staffers and Vice President’s Special Staffers to finance their working programs in order to give management supports and services to the President and Vice President. (DND/UN) (RAS/MUR)

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