Cabinet Secretary Issues Regulation on Cabinet Meetings

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 19 Februari 2018
Category: News
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The convening of a limited meeting (Photo by: Documentation of Cabinet Secretariat, Public Relations Division)

The convening of a limited meeting (Photo by: Documentation of Cabinet Secretariat, Public Relations Division)

To implement the tenth point of Presidential Instruction Number 7 of 2017 on the Making, Supervision, and Control of Policies at the level of State Ministry and Government Institutions, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung on 23 January 2018 signed a Regulation of Cabinet Secretary Number 1 of 2018 on Guideline of Preparation, Implementation, and Follow-up of the Results of Cabinet Meetings (link: Perseskab No 1 Tahun 2018).

The Regulation serves as a guideline and standard to prepare, convene, and follow-up a Cabinet Meeting so that policies made through the Meeting can be implemented more effectively and the follow-up can be done optimally.

“The scope of this Cabinet Secretary includes: a. Preparation of Cabinet Meeting; b. Convening of Cabinet Meeting; and c. Follow-up of the results of Cabinet Meeting,” states Article 3 paragraph (2) of the Regulation.


Under this Regulation, it is stated that the proposal to convene a Cabinet Meeting is submitted by a Coordinating Minister to the President through Cabinet Secretary.

Ministers/Heads of Institutions may propose a Cabinet Meeting through a Coordinating Minister whose coordination area includes the issues of policies to be discussed and the letter is carbon-copied to Cabinet Secretariat. Afterwards, the Coordinating Minister shall submit the report and the recommendations for the proposal for a Cabinet Meeting to the President in 15 days at the latest since the proposal for the Cabinet Meeting is received.

“In the event that the Coordinating Minister has not submitted the report, Cabinet Secretary shall report it to the President regarding the proposed Cabinet Meeting along with recommendations,” Article 4 paragraph (4) of the Regulation says.

The Regulation also states that the said proposed Cabinet Meeting shall come with elaborations on planned topics or policy issues as well as details of the problem, including analysis of impacts and risks of the policies.

Afterwards, Cabinet Secretary shall conduct a study on the proposed Cabinet Meeting submitted by a Coordinating Meeting and report the results along with recommendations to the President. If needed, the Regulation also states that in order to prepare recommendations and the provision of supporting data for the proposed Cabinet Meeting to the President, Cabinet Secretariat may convene a coordinating meeting before a Cabinet Meeting by inviting ministries/state institutions, regional governments, and/or other related parties.

In addition, in the event that there are directives from the President to discuss policy issues or plans that has strategic and nationwide impacts in a Cabinet Meeting, Cabinet Secretary shall convene a Cabinet Meeting as regulated by this Regulation. In relation to that, Cabinet Secretary may convene a coordinating meeting before a Cabinet Meeting by inviting ministries/state institutions, regional governments and/or other related parties to prepare materials for the Cabinet Meeting.

“Cabinet Secretary shall notify the schedule for the convening of the Cabinet Meeting to Coordinating Ministers, Ministers/Heads of Institutions, and/or regents/mayors at least 3 (three) days before the convening of the Cabinet Meeting, unless there are urgent matters,” Article 8 states.

The Regulation also states that Coordinating Ministers, Ministers/Heads of Institutions, and/or governors and regents/mayors shall submit materials of the meeting in line with the topic of the Cabinet Meeting at least 1 (one) day at the latest before the convening of a Cabinet Meeting except urgent matters arise. The materials include the topic, problems, alternative policies, and analysis of the impacts and the risks of the policies, presented in briefly and focuses on solving the problems.


Under this Regulation, Cabinet Secretary shall convene a Cabinet Meeting upon receiving a directive from the President about the result of the study and the recommendations. “The Cabinet Meeting is convened at the Presidential Office or outside the Presidential Office in accordance with the direction from the President,” Article 10 paragraph (2) of the Regulation says.

In the meantime, the convening of a Plenary Cabinet Meeting, the Regulation says, may consist of: a. The President gives his/her introductory remarks and briefing; b. Coordinating Minister of Ministers/Heads of Institutions may give their presentations and inputs related to the topic to be discussed; c. Vice President gives his/her views on the issues to be discussed; and d. the President gives his directives to the participants of the Plenary Cabinet Meeting.

Regarding the convening of the limited meeting, according to this Regulation, may cover: a. the President gives an introductory remark/directives; b. Coordinating Ministers in charge of areas of the issues to be discussed provide a short presentation; c. Other Ministers/Heads of Institutions may give responses and suggestions to the topic to be discussed; d. Vice President gives his/her views on areas of issues to be discussed and e. the President gives directives to the participants of the limited Cabinet Meeting.


The Regulation also states that Cabinet Secretary shall submit minutes of the result of the Cabinet Meeting to Coordinating Ministers, Ministers/Heads of Institutions, and/or governors and regents/mayors, at least 3 (three) working days after the Cabinet Meeting is held. In addition, Cabinet Secretary shall convene a coordinating meeting to harmonize with the directives of the President with the programs/activities at ministries/institutions and/or regional governments, and Cabinet Secretary shall convey the result of the coordinating meeting to be followed up by Coordinating Ministers, Ministers/Heads of Institutions, and regents/mayors.

Afterwards, the Coordinating Minister shall coordinate and control the implementation of the follow up of the results of the Cabinet Meeting, and report it to the President through Cabinet Secretary every 3 (three) months or anytime if needed.

“The report as intended shall be submitted through the President Directive Follow-up Information System (SITAP),” Article 15 paragraph (3) says.

The Regulation also states Cabinet Secretary shall supervise the results of the Cabinet Meeting to harmonize it with the directives of the President and report the results to the President along with recommendations.

If in the reporting it is indicated the directive of the President has not been followed-up, Cabinet Secretary may give a report to the President along with recommendations.

“This Regulation of Cabinet Secretary begins to take effect on the date it is promulgated,” Article 19 of the Regulation says.

The Regulation was promulgated on 6 February 2018 by Director General of Laws and Regulations of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Widodo Ekatjahjana. (ES) (EP/YM/Naster) 


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