Cabinet Secretary: President’s Directive, TNI not Only Concentrated in Java Island

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 17 Januari 2017
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Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung as Speaker in the 2017 TNI’s executives meeting, at the Gatot Subroto Hall, TNI Headquarters Cilangkap, Jakarta. (Photo: PR/Jay)

Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung as Speaker in the 2017 TNI’s executives meeting, at the Gatot Subroto Hall, TNI Headquarters Cilangkap, Jakarta. (Photo: PR/Jay)

Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung said that under Law Number 34 of 2004 on the Indonesian National Defence Forces (TNI), TNI serves as a deterrent and enforcement, as well as the restoring of security conditions of the country.

“The President gave directive at the Limited Meeting some time ago that the TNI is not just concentrated in Java Island. There should be new thinking, new room to safeguard the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia,” Cabinet Secretary said sharing his views, thoughts, and experiences to the participants of the 2017 TNI Executives Meeting (Rapim), at the Gatot Subroto Hall, TNI Headquarters, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Tuesday (17/1) morning.

According to the Cabinet Secretary, during the meeting on 12 January 2017, it was proposed that the concept of the distribution of TNI is in accordance with the changes in our national development paradigm, which is no longer Java-centrist, but should be Indonesia-centrist.

Cabinet Secretary also mentioned the TNI’s role in development, including military operations other than war, such as empowering the region’s defense and early supporting strength, in accordance with the overall defense system, to secure the border region, as well as the mental revolution and procurement, use, and maintenance of primary weaponry system (alutsista).

Focus on Equity

Regarding the development of the current administration, according to the Cabinet Secretary, the focus is on equity. First, the development should be Indonesia-centrist, starting from the periphery, including to realize equitable prices in and outside Java Island. “For example, in Papua, the fuel price is now Rp6,450. Soon, the cement, we are still seeking the formulation how the price of cement outside Java can be the same as that of in Java, at Rp70,000-80,000,” Cabinet Secretary said.

Second, increase economic growth. Cabinet Secretary stressed that economic growth must be of quality, and it can be materialized if inflation can be maintained.

Third, open access to the public to capital resources. To this end, based on the President’s instruction, Cabinet Secretary said the Government has lowered the Smallholder Business Credit (KUR) interest rates from 9 percent to 7 percent in 2017. “This is what the community needs, then we will make the system simpler for anyone to be able to receive the KUR,” he said.

Fourth, reduce unemployment rate and prepare a qualified workforce.

Fifth, equitable quality education. Sixth, improve the quality of public services.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, it has been 71 years of Indonesia’s independence but 42.5 percent of our workforce is primary school (SD) graduates, 68 percent SD plus SMP (junior high school) graduates. We need to fix the number together, ” Cabinet Secretary said.

Earlier when starting his presentation at the 2017 TNI Rapim, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung explained the duties and functions of Cabinet Secretariat (Setkab). Cabinet Secretary said that in the position of President as Head of State, the secretary is the Minister of State Secretary (Mensesneg). Meanwhile, in the position of President as Head of Government, the tasks of President’s Secretary will be on the Cabinet Secretary (Seskab).

Cabinet Secretary likens it as the synergy between TNI – Polri (the Indonesian National Police) in the Government. “Indonesia is a strong country if the TNI and Polri work in synergy together. In the Government, both aspects should be equal. It cannot be like this: the TNI is strong but Polri is not, and vice versa. Likewise in the Government, I would simply likens the TNI and Polri as Mensesneg and Seskab,” Cabinet Secretary said.

Regarding the possibility of overlapping between Mensesneg and Seskab, Pramono said that it is the leader’s task in order to create synergy and make these tasks can be performed well. “Alhamdulillah, what Pak Pratikno (Mensesneg) and I have done can truly be the backbone of the state administration, both the President as the Head of Government or the Head of State,” he said.

Furthermore, Cabinet Secretary explained the main tasks of the Cabinet Secretary, namely, first, provide cabinet management support to the President and Vice President in excercising the administration. Second, ensure that all directives, policies, and targets set by the President can be implemented by all ministries, agencies, and local governments appropriately. Third, accelerate the settlement of various policy issues facing ministries, agencies, and local governments.

Cabinet Secretary, Pramono Agung further said, also serves as Secretary of the Final Assessment Team (TPA) who has the authority to propose officials who will fill in the position of echelon one and Provincial Secretary (Sekda) throughout Indonesia. In this regard, Cabinet Secretary coordinate with the Center for Financial Transaction Reporting and Analysis (PPATK) and National Intelligence Agency (BIN) to decide on the feasibility of each official proposed to the President, as well as officials in the TNI. “It is the mandate of the President and Vice President to decide it,” Cabinet Secretary said.

Present at the event were the Commander of TNI Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo, Army Chief of Staff (KSAD) Gen. Mulyono, Navy Chief of Staff (KSAL) Admiral Ade Supandi, Air Force Chief of Staff (KSAU) Marshal Agus Supriatna, high-ranking officials of TNI Headquarters, Army (TNI AD) officials, Navy (TNI AL) officials, Air Force (TNI AU) officials, the reviewers (senior officers who occupy the positions outside the TNI structure), and high-ranking officials of Polri. (FID/ES) (MUR/YM/Naster).

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