Speech Transcript

Remarks of President Joko Widodo on Commemoration of 38th National Sports Day (via Video Conference), 9 September 2021, from the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta

Date 9 September 2021

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, May prosperity be upon us all, Om Swastiastu, Namo Buddhaya, Greetings of virtue. Ladies and gentlemen and sportspersons, First of all, I would like to say Happy 38th International Sports Day to all of Indonesian sportspersons, all of Indonesian people who always support the improvement of sports in our country, Indonesia. […]

Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Inauguration of Paselloreng Dam and Gilireng Weir, 9 September 2021 in Arajang Village, Gilireng Sub-district, Wajo Regency, South Sulawesi Province

Date 9 September 2021

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Good afternoon, May peace be upon us all. Distinguished Ministers of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing and Cabinet Secretary attending this event; Distinguished Deputy Chairperson of the House of Representatives Commission V; Distinguished Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) and Chief of the […]

Dialogue between President Joko Widodo and Community Representatives Benefited from Bendo Dam and Directors of State Polytechnics in East Java, 7 September 2021, in Ponorogo Regency, East Java Province

Date 7 September 2021

SESSION I – Dialogue with Farmers Benefited from Bendo Dam   President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo) What do you do, Sir?   Farmer I HIPPA farmer of Wilangan, Sambit, Ponorogo.   President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo) Association of Water User Farmers (HIPPA) So, what is your expectation upon the […]

Dialogue between President Joko Widodo and Community Representatives Benefited from Bendo Dam and Directors of State Polytechnics in East Java, 7 September 2021, in Ponorogo Regency, East Java Province

Date 7 September 2021

SESSION I – Dialogue with Farmers Benefited from Bendo Dam   President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo) What do you do, Sir?   Farmer I HIPPA farmer of Wilangan, Sambit, Ponorogo.   President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo) Association of Water User Farmers (HIPPA) So, what is your expectation upon the […]

Dialogue Between President of the Republic of Indonesia and Representatives of Islamic Boarding Schools and Places of Worship in Indonesia (via Video Conference) at the Inspection of Mass COVID-19 Vaccination, 7 September 2021, at K. H. Syamsuddin Islamic Boarding School, Ponorogo Regency, East Java Province

Date 7 September 2021

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo) Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Good afternoon, May peace be upon us all. This afternoon we carried out simultaneous vaccination at several Islamic boarding schools and churches, places of worship. I am really pleased with what the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) […]

Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Inauguration of Bendo Dam, on 7 September 2021, in Bendo Sub-district, Sawoo District Ponorogo Regency, East Java Province

Date 7 September 2021

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Good afternoon, May peace be upon us all. Distinguished Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) and Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Polri); Distinguished Governor of East Java and Regent of Ponorogo; Distinguished Managing Directors of state-owned construction companies PT Hutama Karya, PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA), and PT Nindya […]

Remarks of President Joko Widodo on COVID-19 Vaccination for the Community during Inspection Visit to Center of Tourism and Trade Information (PIPP) on 7 September 2021, in Blitar, East Java Province

Date 7 September 2021

Today, I come to Blitar to inspect vaccination program held in this city. I am glad to hear that 76 percent of the community has been vaccinated, as informed by the Deputy Mayor of the City. It means that only a small number of the community will be vaccinated soon. I would like to thank […]

Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the 37th Anniversary of Universitas Terbuka (virtually), 6 September 2021, from the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta

Date 6 September 2021

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Peace and prosperity be upon us, Om Swastiastu, Namo Buddhaya, Greetings of virtue. Distinguished Speaker of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR); Honorable Rector, Vice-Rectors, and all Leadership of Universitas Terbuka; Honorable Lecturers and Educational Personnel of Universitas Terbuka, both at the head office and in the regions; Beloved Students wherever you […]

Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at Live-Streamed Limited Meeting on the Evaluation of Public Activity Restriction (PPKM) Implementation 6 September 2021, Merdeka Palace, Special Capital Region of Jakarta

Date 6 September 2021

At the public activity restriction (PPKM) evaluation meeting this afternoon, I would like to address several matters. First, we must inform the people that COVID-19 will never disappear completely. What we can [do] is to control it. This is important. This statement is crucial to prevent excessive euphoria, excessive excitement. The people need to be […]

Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia during the Inspection of COVID-19 Vaccination Drive for Students at SMPN (State Junior High School) 1 Tataan Pesawaran Regency, Lampung Province 2 September 2021

Date 2 September 2021

President of the Republik of Indonesia (Joko Widodo) Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Along with Governor of Lampung and Regent of Pesawaran, today, in SMPN (State Junior High School)1 Tataan  in Pesawaran Regency, I inspect vaccination drive for approximately 1,000 students in the regency. I noticed that everything run well. Through the vaccination drive for students that […]
