Speech Transcript

Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia on Cooking Oil Policy, Merdeka Palace, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, April 22, 2022

Date 22 April 2022

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, Today, I led a meeting on fulfillment of public basic necessities, particularly matters related to the national availability of cooking oil. During the meeting, I decided that the Government will ban exports of cooking oil raw materials and cooking oil starting Thursday, April 28, 2022 until further notice. […]

Dialogue between President of the Republic of Indonesia and Representatives of Gresik Fisher Group in Gresik Regency, East Java Province, April 20, 2022

Date 20 April 2022

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo) So, how much is the net [income]?   Fisher One person approximately earns Rp60,000-70,000, Rp50,000-60,000. President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo) How much is the net income then? Fisher The net [income], Rp60,000 per person.   President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo) I […]

Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Launching of State-Owned Defense Industry Holding, Defend ID, at PT PAL Indonesia, Surabaya, East Java Province, April 20, 2022

Date 20 April 2022

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Good afternoon, May peace be upon us all. Distinguished Ministers of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet; Minister of Defense, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, Minister of State Secretary in attendance; Distinguished Governor of East Java, members of Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) in attendance; Distinguished Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces, Army […]

Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia during Distribution of Social Assistance at Bangkal Market in Sumenep Regency, East Java Province, April 20, 2022

Date 20 April 2022

Press Sir, how about the distribution of Cooking Oil Direct Cash Assistance so far? President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo) The distribution of BLT Cooking Oil is still in process. Everything is going well. I haven’t heard any issue on the ground that hinders it, either through the post office or through the […]

Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Inauguration of Trunojoyo Airport, Sumenep Regency, East Java Province, April 20, 2022

Date 20 April 2022

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Distinguished Ministers of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet, also present with me Minister of Defense, Minister of Transportation, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises, and Minister of State Secretary; Distinguished Governor of East Java and all ranks of Regional Leaders Forum (Forkopimda); Distinguished Regent of Sumenep and all ranks of Forkopimda; Distinguished Ulemas, Kyais, […]

Remarks of the President of Republic of Indonesia on the National Commemoration of 1443 H/2022 A.D. Nuzulul Quran, April 19, 2022

Date 19 April 2022

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin, washalatu wasalamu ‘ala asrafil ambiya’i wal mursalin, sayyidina wa habibina wa syafiina wa maulana Muhammadin, wa ‘ala alihi washahbihi ajma’in. Amma ba’du. Distinguished Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Distinguished Heads and Members of State Institutions, Your Excellency Ambassadors and Representatives of Friendly Countries, Distinguished Ministers of Indonesian […]

Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia on Annual Homecoming Ritual during Eid al-Fitr (Mudik), from Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, April 18, 2022

Date 18 April 2022

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Ladies and Gentlemen, According to a survey from Ministry of Transportation, there will be 23 million private cars and 17 million motorcycles that will be used by travelers. This is a very large number and it is expected that there will be severe traffic jams. Therefore, I ask the people to avoid […]

Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Movement on Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing (APUPPT), at the State Palace, Jakarta, April 18, 2022

Date 18 April 2022

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Good morning, May peace be upon us all, Om swastiastu, Namo buddhaya, Greetings of Virtue. Distinguished Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs and Ministers of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet, Distinguished Leaders of the Government’s Bodies, Distinguished Head of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (PPATK) and all ranks, […]

Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia on Mudik, THR Allowances and the 13th Salary in Year of 2022, April 14, 2022

Date 14 April 2022

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Today I chair Limited Cabinet Meeting on preparation for mudik [annual exodus] ahead of Eid al-Fitr 1443 Hijri. Considering the controlled situation of COVID-19 pandemic, this year the Government allows mudik travel. The people can celebrate the holiday with families and relatives in their hometown. However, we must stay vigilant. Do not […]
