Christmas is Perfect Moment to Take Care of Others During Pandemic, President Jokowi Says

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 27 Desember 2020
Category: News
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President Jokowi delivers remarks at the 2020 virtual National Christmas Celebration, on Sunday (27/12). (Photo by: Presidential Secretariat Press Bureau)

In the celebration of this year’s Christmas Day, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo told Christians in Indonesia to always keep the hope alive and spread kindness to others during COVID-19 pandemic.

The President also reminded them to not lose hope to face the COVID-19 pandemic which has restricted the public from meeting families and friends, as well as from mass prayer during Christmas because God will always be with us and guide us to face this difficult time.

“As believers, we should never give up when our burden gets heavier. People will light up candles in every Christmas celebration. The light from the candles reminds us that the God is always be with us,” he said in his remarks at the 2020 virtual National Christmas Celebration, on Sunday (27/12).

In addition, he added, everyone must work hard to follow health protocols and protect ourselves, our families and friends from the infection of COVID-19.

Christmas celebration, the President added, can also serve as a momentum to remind ourselves that all people must love, protect, and take care of each other, particularly during difficult times, adding that by joining hands, all Indonesians can fight against the pandemic and recover soon. (BPMI/UN) (RAS/EP)


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