CMEA: Policy Package II More Accentuate the Sector

By Humas     Date 29 September 2015
Category: News
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CMEA, Darmin Nasution

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs (CMEA), Darmin Nasution said the Economic Policy Package Phase II, which will be announced by the government in the near future is designed and would further highlight the sector or substance.

“It is not a repetition, but this is a continuation. Because we see it is not well understood by the business community and by the community,” said Darmin Nasution told reporters in the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Tuesday (29/9).

Darmin Nasution told, a few days ago after the Economic Policy Package Phase I was announced, on 9 September 2015, he was visited by representatives of four (4) largest banks in Indonesia.

“They said that there are regulations issued by the minister will take effect on October 1, if it applicable, we will be hard in the business,” Darmin Nasution said, on issues submitted by the representatives of the four banks.

However, after checking, Darmin Nasution continued, it turns out that the regulation has been repealed. However, they do not know.

CMEA conveyed further, the government will also explain each sector, so can be more detailed. “If a few dozen rules are less detailed, so maybe only 6-7 should be described, so that the details can be understood,” Darmin Nasution said.

As reported previously, after launching the Policy Package Phase I on 9 September 2015, the Government in the near future will again launch Deregulation Package to make Indonesia more competitive in the global investment and our employment opportunities could increasingly competitive for the business world.

“The President gave directives to all ministers who were present to reduce, cut and certainly makes efficient for anyone who wants to invest in Indonesia,” Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung said after attending a limited cabinet meeting chaired by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, Monday (28/9) afternoon.

Cabinet Secretary explained, President Jokowi invited economic ministers to discuss the various things, especially to make Indonesia become increasingly competitive in the global investment because there are still a lot of legislation that became a barrier.  (DND/ES)

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