Commander of TNI: There is Only One Line Command, it is from President

By Humas     Date 1 Desember 2014
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Commander of TNI: There is Only One Line Command, it is from President

Commander of TNI General Moeldoko confirms that TNI only has one line command that is from President of Republic Indonesia. It goes through the Commander of TNI, then to Pangkotama until the lowest rank of soldiers.

General Moeldoko conveys that in his report to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) during the briefing session to Pangkotama in Indonesia at Garuda room, Bogor Palace, West Java, on Friday (29/11).

“It become our attention that one line of command is from the President to Commander of TNI, and all officials rank of TNI until lowest rank of soldier”, says General Moeldoko.

At the session mentioned above, General Moeldoko gives opportunity to all Pangkotama in Indonesia to report directly to President Jokowi, three minutes each. The President would listen to all messages conveyed to him, start from Pangkostrad, Pangdam Jaya, Pangdam Siliwangi, until Pangdam Cendrawasih.

After listening to all the reports, President Jokowi would gives directive responds. Besides President Jokowi, also attending the event were Vice President Jusuf Kalla, Ministers in Jokowi – JK cabinet, Coordinating Minister of POLHUKAM Tedjo Edy Purdijatno, Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H Laoly, Coordinating Minister of Economy Sofjan Djalil, Coordinating Minister of Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani, Minister of Finance Bambang Brodjonegoro, and Cabinet Secretary Andi Widjajanto. (Humas Setkab/ES)(Ifp)

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