Commission II of DPR Meets Regional Office of National Land Agency of NTB

The meeting of Commission II of the House of Representatives with Regional Office of National Land Agency of West Nusa Tenggara, in Senggigi Beach Resort, West Lombok, Wednesday (28/2) (Photo: PR/ Edi)
After meeting Provincial Government, General Election Commission (KPU), and the Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR RI) continued their working visit during the third recess period of 2017-2018. They had a meeting with representatives of Regional Office of National Land Agency of West Nusa Tenggara in Sheration Sengigi Beach Resort, West Lombok, Wednesday (28/2) evening.
The Chairman of the Regional Office Asnawati, in her report, explained that the target of Complete Land Registration (PTSL) of West Nusa Tenggara Province for the first phase is 15,000 plots of land and for the second phase is 100,000 plots of land. Thus, the total is 115,000.
The first phase of PTSL which takes nine months (2 January 21 September 2017) has completed 14 percent or 15,000 plots of land, Asnawati said.
For the second phase of PTSL, Asnawati explained that since 22 September 22 December 2018 (3 months), 110,000 plots of land of 96 percent has been completed. It means the total of the realization of the first and second phases of PTSL has reached 115,000 plots of land or 100 percent.
Regarding the total cases handled by Regional Office of National Land Agency of NTB, Asnawati described that there are 14 cases of land disputes which 11 of them have finished. In the meantime, there are 11 cases of land lawsuit which 8 of them have finished while the other three are still at trial stage.
In a discussion, Firmansyah (from United Development Party/PPP) asked about how dissemination conducted by the Regional Office works because the amount of land that have not been registered is still quite a lot. Meanwhile, a member of Commission II from Gerindra Party Azikin Solthan wanted to confirm whether the lack of surveyor becomes the factor that causes National Agrarian Operation Program (Prona) cannot achieve the target. Deputy Speaker of Commission II Mardani Ali Sera (from Prosperous Justice Party/PKS) added that Prona has not touched underpriveleged people who do not have their own land.
Responding to the question about target achievement, the Chairman of National Land Agency of NTB said that the general problems of BPN are lack of equipments and involvement of a third party. Solutions to achieve the target of land certification are to improve managerial capacity of the leaders and to hire interns to solve the problems of human resources. In addition, based on the data, there are 22,1443,2706 hectares of abandoned land.
The Speaker of Commission II of DPR RI Zainudin Amali (from Golongan Karya Party), on that occasion, said that the Commission II also planned to discussed about protection for the employees of BPN. On the meeting, Commission II received important inputs and appreciated the works of Regional Office of National Land Agency of West Nusa Tenggara that got second place at national level.
The meeting was also attended by the Speaker of Commission II of DPR RI Zainudin Amali (Golongan Karya), Deputy Speaker of Commission II Mardani Ali Sera (PKS), Azikin Solthan (Gerindra), Firmansyah Mardanoes (PPP), Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Public Relations and Protocol Alfurkon Setiawan, Head of Bureau of Budget and Planning of Cabinet Secretariat Islachuddin, and representatives of work partners of Commission II. (AS/EN/ES) (MMB/YM/Naster)