COVID-19 Task Force Issues Circular on Shift Work for Jabodetabek Area

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 15 Juni 2020
Category: News
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A screenshot of COVID-19 Task Force Circular Number 8 of 2020

The National COVID-19 Task Force has issued Circular Number 8 of 2020 on the Management of Working Hours during the Adaptation Period of New Normal towards the Productive and Safe Society in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek) Area.

The Circular aims to prevent the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus caused by overcrowding at public transport facilities on working days.

Government Spokesperson for COVID-19 Handling Achmad Yurianto said that the data shows that more than 75% of Commuter Line passengers are employees of the Government, State-Owned Enterprises, and private sectors.

“If we look at the details of the data, almost 45% of them use the transport at the same time, approximately at 5.30 to 6.30,” Yurianto said during a press conference at the National Task Force Media Center, Jakarta, Sunday (14/6), adding that the situation generates higher risk.

The Task Force Circular regulates two working shifts, which are expected to have implications at the end of the working day.

“We hope that all institutions that employ Government employee, State-Owned Enterprises employee, or private sector employee will apply two working shifts. The first shift will start from 07.00 to 07.30 Western Indonesian Time and will end at 15.00 or 15.30,” he said.

He added that the second shift is expected to start at 10:00 to 10.30 and is expected to end at 18.00 and 18.30. The measure aims to maintain a balance between the capacity of public transportation modes and the number of passengers.

“(The measure) aims to ensure that health protocols, especially those related to physical distancing, can be truly implemented. The policy will not eliminate the policy given by all institutions, including the Government institutions, State-Owned Enterprises, and the private sector, to continue to implement work from home policy for employees who have a higher risk of exposure from COVID-19,” he said.

Yuri further said that employees who have higher risk, including the elderly and those who have comorbid diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease can work from home.

“We are not only talking about the passengers on the commuter line, but also the trip from home to the station, the process of waiting at the station, and the trip from the station to the workplace, and so on. We really have to adjust the (passenger) volume, so that physical distancing can be implemented as maximum level as possible,” Yuri said.

The Circular will apply as of today, Monday (15/6) and is expected to improve the control of COVID-19 transmission. (PR of National COVID-19 Task Force/EN)



Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Reviewed by: Yuyu Mulyani

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