COVID-19 Task Force Issues Circular to Restrict People’s Movements During Holidays

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 20 Desember 2020
Category: News
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The COVID-19 Handling Task Force has issued a circular on health protocols during Christmas and New Year holidays for domestic and foreign travelers.

According to Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Wiku Adisasmito, the circular aims to tackle the transmission of COVID-19, following a spike in the number of cases of COVID-19 transmission in various parts of the country during the previous holidays. 

“In the previous three holidays, people’s mobility always triggered a surge in new cases of transmission. Therefore, people should be more obedient and disciplined in implementing health protocols. Everything is regulated in this latest circular,” he said in a press release, Sunday (20/12). 

Several provisions in Circular Number 3 of 2020, which is valid from 19 December 2020 to 8 January 2021, include the obligation to carry out health protocols for travelers with three main points, as follows: 

First, every individual who travels for people is required to apply and comply with 3M’s health protocols, namely wearing a face mask, maintaining a safe distance and avoiding crowds, and washing hands with soap or using hand sanitizers. 

Second, the tightening of health protocols along the way that needs to be done is the use of masks that must properly cover the nose and mouth with a type of three-layer cloth mask or medical mask. It is also prohibited to eat and drink throughout the flight for a trip of less than two hours with the exception of individuals who are required to take medication for their safety and health. 

Third, domestic travelers must follow a number of conditions: 

  1. Every individual who travels by private or public vehicle is responsible for his / her own health and is subject to and obeying the applicable terms and conditions; 
  2. For trips to the resort island of Bali, travelers using air transportation are required to show a negative result certificate using the RT-PCR test no later than 7 x 24 hours before departure as a travel requirement and fill out Indonesia’s e-HAC. Meanwhile, travelers on land or sea transportation, both private and public, are required to show a negative result certificate using the antigen rapid test no later than 3 x 24 hours before departure as a travel requirement and fill out Indonesia’s e-HAC; 
  3. For trips to and from Java Island as well as within Java Island (between provinces / regencies / cities), travelers with air and intercity rail transportation are required to show a negative result certificate using the antigen rapid test no later than 3 x 24 hours before departure. For travelers with land transportation, both private and public, are advised to use a rapid antigen test no later than 3 x 24 hours before departure. The filling out of e-HAC Indonesia is mandatory for travelers using all modes of public and private transportation, except for rail transportation modes; 
  4. Children under 12 years of age are not required to take either the RT-PCR test or the rapid antigen test; 
  5. Routine trips on the island of Java with sea transportation mode which aims to serve limited inter-island or inter-domestic port locations within an agglomeration area or by land transportation, both private and public within an urban agglomeration area (Greater Jakarta), are not required to show a result of the rapid antigen test result; 
  6. In certain circumstances related to the provisions in point d and point e, the regional COVID-19 Handling Task Force may carry out a random rapid antigen test or RT-PCR if needed; 
  7. Apart from the provisions of point b and point c regarding Java and Bali, antibody rapid tests may still be used in accordance with existing regulations; 
  8. If the traveler’s rapid antigen or antibody test results are non-reactive / negative but show symptoms, the traveler may not continue the journey and are required to carry out RT-PCR diagnostic tests and self-isolation during the waiting time for the examination results; 
  9. Trip using sea transportation mode follows the applicable policies, except for trips to and from Bali Island which are required to use a rapid antigen test; 
  10. Ministries / institutions / regional apparatuses that carry out functions related to land / sea / air / rail transportation follow up this Circular by issuing legal instruments with reference to this Circular and applicable laws and regulations.

Wiku also pointed out that similar provisions also apply to international travelers during Christmas and New Year holidays, adding that international travelers are required to show negative RT-PCR test results in the country of origin and it is valid for 3 x 24 hours from the date of issuance into e-HAC Indonesia. 

“The Task Force assisted by the transportation authority and supported by ministries / agencies as well as the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) – the Indonesian National Police (Polri) will ensure that this regulation runs effectively and the goal of preventing and reducing transmission of COVID-19 can be materialized,” he said. (KPCPEN COMMUNICATION TEAM/UN) (MUR/EP)

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