Destry Damayanti Chosen by President Jokowi to Lead Selection Committee of KPK Commissioners

Destry Damayanti, M.Sc
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) directly announced of 9 (nine) names that chosen became members of the Selection Committee (Pansel) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Commissioners, shortly before leaving for a working visit to East Java, at Halim airport in Jakarta on Thursday (21 / 5) morning.
The nine names were already determined their positions in Pansel. President chose economist Destry Damayanti, M.Sc., as Chairman, while Dr Enny Nurbaningsih, SH, Chairman of the National Legal Development Agency, as the Deputy Chairman.
The ninth names chosen by the President became members of the Pansel of KPK, were:
1. Destry Damayanti, M.Sc. – Economist, Monetary and Financial Expert,
As Chairman and Member
2. Dr. Enny Nurbaningsih, SH, Constitutional Law Expert, Chairman of the National Legal Development Agency,
As Deputy Chairman and Member
3. Prof. Dr. Harkristuti Harkrisnowo, SH, LLM, Criminal Law and Human Rights Expert, Chairman of the Human Resources Development, the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights
As Member.
4. Ir. Betti S. Alisjabana, MBA, IT and Management Expert,
As Member.
5. Dr. Yenti Garnasih, SH, MH, Economic Criminal Law and Money Laundering Expert
As Member
6. Supra Wimbarti, M.Sc, Ph.D, – Psychologist of HR and Education Expert
As Member.
7. Natalia Subagyo, M.Sc. – Governance and Reforms Expert
As Member.
8. Dr. Diani Sadiawati, SH, LL.M. – Legal Expert, Director of Legislation Analysis, Bappenas
As Member.
9. Meuthia Ganie-Rochman, Ph.D. – Corruption Sociology and Social Capital Expert.
As Member.
When delivering the announcement, President Jokowi accompanied by Minister of State Secretary, Pratikno; and President Communications Team, Teten Masduki. (*/ES)