Dialogue between President of the Republic of Indonesia and Representatives of COVID-19 Vaccination Organizers for Students (via Video Conference) at State Senior High School SMA Negeri Kartasura 1, Sukoharjo Regency, 13 September 2021, Central Java Province

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 13 September 2021
Category: Dialog @en
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President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko “Jokowi” Widodo)


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Good morning,

Peace and prosperity be upon us all.

This morning, I visit State Senior High School Kartasura 1, Sukoharjo regency, Central Java province to witness firsthand the mass vaccination drive being carried out here and in 10 other provinces. As many as 58,000 students will receive the jabs today. I hope everything goes smoothly so our children, all of our students can stay healthy, can be protected from the dangers of COVID-19, and can immediately attend in-person learning.

I want to talk to State Senior High School Pulau Punjung 2, Dharmasraya regency, West Sumatra province, please.

Principal of State Senior High School Pulau Punjung 2, Dharmasraya regency, West Sumatra province (Lindrawati)

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Distinguished President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Jokowi. My name is Lindrawati, Principal of State Senior High School Pulau Punjung 2. Thank God, today we are conducting mass vaccination drive for students at State Senior High School Pulau Punjung 2. In this regard, we are accompanied by Mr. Regent, Sutan Riska Tuanku Kerajaan. We are extremely grateful for this activity, hopefully in-person learning can be carried out normally.

Our students would like to greet you, sir. Naya, please.

Naya Agista (A representative from State Senior High School Pulau Punjung 2, Dharmasraya regency, West Sumatra province)

Mambali sawit ka Dharmasraya

Sawit dibali pakai padati

Kami sanang jo bahagia

Basobok jo Bapak Jokowi

(The first two lines of the pantun/four-line rhyming poem are an introduction. The punch of the poem is to say “We are extremely happy to meet Mr. Jokowi”)

Rancak bana (expression of appreciation in Minangnese)

Let me introduce myself, sir. I am Naya Agista, Oh my goodness, sir. I am very glad to meet you, sir. Sir, Though I’m happy, I’m still sad that I cannot meet friends at school anymore. After the vaccination, can we go to school again, sir. Thank you, sir.

Healthy Indonesia, Remarkable Indonesia.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko “Jokowi” Widodo)

Yes, after receiving the jabs, everyone will be able to attend in-person learning provided that (the region) is no longer at level 4 (PPKM/Community Activity Restrictions). How many people have received the jabs this morning, ma’am?

Principal of State Senior High School Pulau Punjung 2, Dharmasraya regency, West Sumatra province (Lindrawati)

2,500 students, sir. The rest is the door-to-door vaccination drive, so, in total, there are around 5,500 people for Dharmasraya regency.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko “Jokowi” Widodo)

Oh, that’s a lot. Are the vaccines available, Mr. Regent?

Dharmasraya Regent (Sutan Riska Tuanku Kerajaan)

It is ready and complete. We have the vaccine supply, sir. And, thank God, we have reached 35 percent.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko “Jokowi” Widodo)

That is good news.

Dharmasraya Regent (Sutan Riska Tuanku Kerajaan)

We would like to thank Mr. President, our vaccination drive runs smoothly, with an assistance from Forkopimda (Regional Leadership Coordination Forum). We would like to thank Mr. President for your concerns on the vaccination and God willing, Dharmasraya will revive and Indonesia will be greater.

Thank you, Mr. President.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko “Jokowi” Widodo)

Mr. Regent, if there is still available vaccine supply, use it immediately, administer the vaccines immediately. If Minister of Health does not send you (the supply), call me.

Dharmasraya Regent (Sutan Riska Tuanku Kerajaan)

I understand, Mr. President.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko “Jokowi” Widodo)

All right.

Dharmasraya Regent (Sutan Riska Tuanku Kerajaan)

Thank you, Mr. President.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko “Jokowi” Widodo)

And, if you have received the jabs, immediately conduct in-person learning, especially for senior high schools, vocational high schools, and junior high schools. Thank you, Mr. Regent and Madam Principal.

Let’s meet State Senior High School Gowa 9 in South Sulawesi.

Umi Kalsum (Vaccine Ambassador of State Senior High School Gowa 9, Gowa regency, South Sulawesi province)

My name is Umi Kalsum, a representative from State Senior High School Gowa 9, South Sulawesi province. Allow me to say this, sir. I have received the jabs; it does not hurt.

Sir, it’s kind of boring to still learn from home. It is true what Dilan (the leading actor in Indonesian teen romantic drama movie; quoting his famous line in the movie) said, “missing someone is hard”. I want the school to be opened because everyone has received the jabs. I love you, Mr. President.

Vaccine Ambassador of State Senior High School Gowa 9, Gowa regency, South Sulawesi province

Hello, Mr. President. I wish you the best in the vaccination drive for students throughout Indonesia. Thank you. I love you, Mr. President.

Principal of State Senior High School Gowa 9, Gowa regency, South Sulawesi province (Muhammad Nafzar)

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko “Jokowi” Widodo)


Principal of State Senior High School Gowa 9, Gowa regency, South Sulawesi province (Muhammad Nafzar)

Salamaki parasalamma, (greetings in local language)

Distinguished Mr. President and Madam First Lady. Peace and prosperity be upon us. Let me introduce myself, my name is Muhammad Nafzar, Principal of State Senior High School Gowa 9, South Sulawesi province. I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity, for our children to express their hopes. One more thing, sir. On behalf of the people of Gowa regency, we would like to request your presence in Gowa, the historic Gowa.

In addition, sir, we would like to ask for your directives and guidance.

Wabillahi Taufik wal Hidayah.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. (Closing of speech in Islamic fashion)

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko “Jokowi” Widodo)

Ladies and Gentlemen, principals,

After vaccination, immediately conduct limited in-person learning, provided that the area is at level 3 or level 2. If it is still at Level 4, please put your brakes on, don’t resume in-person learning yet.

Then, also to all principals, you can repeatedly ask the Regents and Mayors so that vaccination drive for our students can be completed immediately. You can ask for help from Chief of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), Regional Chiefs of BIN, the National Police, the Indonesian National Defense Forces. All of them. Most importantly, the acceleration must be done, so that the vaccination drive for students can be completed, and we can carry out limited in-person learning. This concludes my statement on this auspicious occasion.  My children, happy learning, study well.

I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. (FI/MUR)

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