Dialogue Between President of the Republic of Indonesia and Representatives of Islamic Boarding Schools and Places of Worship in Indonesia (via Video Conference) at the Inspection of Mass COVID-19 Vaccination, 7 September 2021, at K. H. Syamsuddin Islamic Boarding School, Ponorogo Regency, East Java Province

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 7 September 2021
Category: Dialog @en
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President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good afternoon,

May peace be upon us all.

This afternoon we carried out simultaneous vaccination at several Islamic boarding schools and churches, places of worship.

I am really pleased with what the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri) have done. And I would like to [hear from] maybe Gontor Islamic Boarding School that is also in Ponorogo. Is the representative here? Please.

Head of COVID-19 Task Force of Darussalam Gontor Islamic Boarding School in Ponorogo regency, East Java province

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

President Ir. Joko Widodo, let me introduce myself. My name is Dr. Muhammad Adib Fuadi Nuriz, Head of COVID-19 Task Force of Darussalam Gontor Mondern Islamic Boarding School. Let me inform you that, thank God, today we received 4,000 [doses of] vaccine.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Four thousand?

Head of COVID-19 Task Force of Darussalam Gontor Islamic Boarding School in Ponorogo regency, East Java province

Yes, 4,000 [doses of] vaccine from the Polri headquarters and thank God, [the vaccination] is being carried out today live. Behind us, the vaccination event is taking place. Today, 1,000 [doses of] vaccine are administered to santris [Islamic students], teachers, and lecturers from Darussalam Gontor Modern Islamic Boarding College. Then the next 1,000 are… [unclear audio] and the other 2,000 are for the people around Darussalam Gontor Modern Islamic Boarding School and Ponorogo regency.

Thank you… [unclear audio]. I hope this vaccination event brings many benefits and we can curb the COVID-19 transmission and Indonesian people can always stay healthy.

Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)


How many santris are there? How many have been vaccinated? Is the vaccine enough, Pak?

Head of COVID-19 Task Force of Darussalam Gontor Islamic Boarding School in Ponorogo regency, East Java province

Thank God, last week we received vaccine from Commander of Brawijaya Military Region. Thank God, we received 4,500 [doses of] vaccine for santris… [unclear audio]. God willing, we will carry out vaccination at Gontor College for Girls too.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Oh, right. There is a lot, then. You received from Military Region Commander and now you received from Chief of the Polri. I hope [the vaccination] at Gontor Islamic Boarding School can be finished soon so that in-school learning, in-person meeting with kiais [Islamic teachers] and teachers at the boarding school can be carried out immediately so that activities can go back to normal. Thank you, Gontor Islamic Boarding School.

Parochial Church of Santa Maria Cathedral in Palangka Raya, please.

Representative of Central Kalimantan Province

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good afternoon,

May peace be upon us all,


Om Swastiastu,

Namo Buddhaya,

Greetings of virtue.

Distinguished President,

Distinguished Commander of the TNI,

Distinguished Chief of the Polri,

Let me inform you, President, we are currently at the Santa Maria Cathedral in Palangka Raya city with the Regional Leaders Communication Forum. I am the Vice Governor. Let me report to you that the Governor takes turns with us and Commander of Military Precinct is inspecting floods in East Kotawaringin region.

Let me inform you that for today’s vaccination at the cathedral, our target since yesterday and today is [to administer] 1,100 [doses of] vaccine.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

One thousand and one hundred?

Representative of Central Kalimantan Province

One thousand and one hundred [doses of] vaccine, ready. Today we are also carrying out simultaneous vaccination in 13 other regencies. In Palangka Raya city, we carry out vaccination in two locations. The first location is the cathedral and the second location is Darussalam Mosque, which targets 2,000 [doses to administer], so the target for today in Central Kalimantan province is 6,000. It is mass vaccination, Bapak President.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Yes. The regular vaccination is still conducted, isn’t it?

Representative of Central Kalimantan Province

Yes, it is well-scheduled, carried out at the Polri’s vaccination outlets. Community health centers are also still carrying out vaccination as ordered by the Governor.

Let me inform you that out of the 1,000,117 [doses of] vaccine that we have received in Central Kalimantan province, 927,000 have been administered or inoculated to the people, for the first and second jab.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Oh, great. Fast. It’s fast, then.

Representative of Central Kalimantan Province

Approximately 82 percent. Our vaccination achievement, thank God, thanks to the assistance from you, Bapak President, the Chief of Polri, and Commander of the TNI, ranks second in the country.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Good. Central Kalimantan is good, yes.

Representative of Central Kalimantan Province

Let me also inform you, Bapak President, that this vaccination is our synergy and collaboration with vaccine operators. The provincial government, the TNI, the Financial Services Authority, the House of Representatives, the Regional Intelligence Agency, and the Port Health Office also took part in mass vaccination.

As for the target from the Governor, we have Vaccinator Battalion. The Vaccinator Battalion consists of health care workers from the Polri. We also recruited 31 alumni of Health Polytechnic and today we also received aid from 20 people from the Faculty of Medicine of Palangka Raya University who joined the Vaccinator Battalion.

As for the vaccination itself, we speed it up by dividing [the region] into three zones. The east zone is in Barito watershed area, the central zone is in Palangka Raya and its surrounding areas, and the west zone is in Kotawaringin watershed area.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Vice President, please use every [dose of] vaccine that has arrived in Central Kalimantan. Use it immediately so that when you run out, you can ask for more from Ministry of Health. Therefore, our vaccination program can be finished immediately and we can stop the spread of COVID-19, the spread of the Delta variant in all provinces. Thank you, Vice Governor. Thank you.

Representative of Central Kalimantan Province

Thank you.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

From Giri Ratana Puja Buddhist Vihara in North Lombok, please.

Representative of West Nusa Tenggara Province


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good afternoon,

May peace be upon us all,


Om Swastiastu,

Namo Buddhaya,

Greetings of virtue.

Distinguished President of the Republic of Indonesia,

Distinguished Chief of the Polri, Commander of the TNI,

Ladies and Gentlemen.

Let me inform you, Bapak President, today we are accompanied by Commander of Military Precinct 162/Wira Bhakti, Vice Regent of North Lombok, Head of Giri Ratana Puja Vihara Father Rudanto, and several provincial government officials behind us.

Let me inform you that, thank God, the positivity rate in West Nusa Tenggara province today reached 3.93 percent. The number of positive cases from week 28 to week 36 tend to decrease drastically. This is because we follow your instructions every day by implementing public activity restrictions (PPKM), enforcing health protocols, and carrying out mass vaccination.

We have a simple collaborative program, namely Coffee Morning Online held every week, led by the Governor directly. We have discussions to solve problems and others, technicalities, strategies, and so on. Let me also report to you that, thank God, the BOR of West Nusa Tenggara province is 13.37 percent.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Oh, that is very low.

Representative of West Nusa Tenggara Province

Yes, and thank God, this is the lowest rate during the COVID-19 management in West Nusa Tenggara. We have hundreds of isolation centers. Thousands [of regions] implement PPKM. This is our report. Please give us directives and recommendations for vaccination. Seventy percent of 5,200,000 people in West Nusa Tenggara province is 3,900,000. That is the target, but we have only vaccinated 18.36 percent because indeed, vaccine deployment from Jakarta is a bit hindered.

Meanwhile, in Central Lombok, West Lombok, East Lombok, and Mataram, the World Superbike event will be held this year in November and God willing, next year MotoGP will be held at the beginning of March.

If you would help us, we are ready to administer vaccination to 15,000 people in one day. We are ready and committed. The TNI, the Polri, the Government, vaccinators, 500 health care facilities, and others will be on the move. If we administer vaccines to 15,000 people [a day], God willing, in a month we can vaccinate 70 percent of the population.

And thank God, let me inform you that today in West Nusa Tenggara province there are 16 places of worship, Islamic boarding schools, viharas, and mosques, and at least 15,000 [doses of] vaccine that we will inject. Today we are at Giri Ratana Puja Vihara in a sub-district in North Lombok, namely Tanjung sub-district, Tegal Maja village, with 335 members of congregation. God willing, at this point everyone has been vaccinated. We only have to wait for the last seconds to vaccinate 500.

That will be all, Bapak President. I hope to hear your directive and recommendation.

Thank you.

Wabillahi taufik wal hidayah.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Om santi santi santi om.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Yes, the most important this is that every time vaccine arrives in West Nusa Tenggara, please use all of it immediately. Then ask for more to Ministry of Health. I will order Minister of Health to prioritize West Nusa Tenggara as there will be an international event in November and MotoGP next year, so we want at least 70 percent [of the population] around the venue and in all provinces to have been vaccinated at the end of the year. It would be a relief if it could be achieved before the event, especially in regions around the venue.

That concludes my speech. Thank you for all of your hard work. I hope with the current vaccination rate, we can curb and stop the transmission of COVID-19 and Delta variant. Most importantly, if there are any cases, even if the number is low, admit [the patients] to the available isolation centers.

I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Good afternoon. (DH/EP)

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