Dialogue of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Inspection of COVID-19 Vaccination Drive in 17 Provinces through Video Conference, February 18, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 18 Februari 2022
Category: Dialog @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good morning,

Peace be upon us all.

First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude and high appreciation for the speed-up in vaccination drive implementation today.

I just want to encourage all regencies/cities and provinces to concentrate on the second and booster doses vaccination, for there are still many regions in which the second and third doses [vaccination] are below 60 percent. And please prioritize it for the elderly since 69 percent of those who died due to Omicron variant were the elderly and those who had not been vaccinated.

The first one is from Boyolali, the floor is yours.

Boyolali Regent (Said Hidayat)

Thank you, sir.

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)


Boyolali Regent (Said Hidayat)

Honorable President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir. H. Joko Widodo,

I want to report for Boyolali Regency. In the vaccination drive today, Governor of Central Java Ganjar Pranowo, Regional Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) of Central Java province Sondi and all members of the Forkopimda (regional leadership coordination forum) are here with me. There are also —- Commander of Military District, Regency Police Chief, Head of Prosecutor Office, Chief Justice, and Head of Provincial and Regional Offices, here today.

In the last four days, Boyolali regency has also seen a rapid increase in COVID-19 daily cases. On the 17th, the cases in the regency increased quite a lot, approximately 345 cases. The previous day there were 206 cases, the day before yesterday there were 120 cases, 75 cases, and 73 cases.

Nevertheless, we, as directed by the President and the Governor, together with the residents of Boyolali regency are facing the pandemic with calm manner and continue to carry out the directives, especially regarding vaccination. In Boyolali regency with a total vaccination target of approximately 835,772 people, we have achieved 93.91 percent for the first dose of vaccination and around 85 percent for the second dose. This includes vaccination especially for children aged 6-11 years, as of yesterday in the report I received, Boyolali regency had reached 100.4 percent for the first dose and 95 percent for the second dose.

However, we would like to apologize to Mr. President because we just reached around 77 percent in vaccination for elderly and we are still implementing the door-to-door method [to increase it]. As for vaccination for the youth, thank God, we have reached 97 percent.

Since we have just started the booster vaccination, our coverage is still relatively low. Why is it still quite low? Because we focus on completing vaccination for the age of 6-11 years first and for that we apologize to you Mr. President. However, we, together with the Forkopimda, TNI (the National Defense Forces), and Polri (the National Police), are committed to continue our efforts to speed up vaccination drive, especially booster doses in Boyolali regency.

That concludes my report and I ask for direction from the President for the steps that we must take to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in Boyolali regency. That’s it. Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Thank you, Mr. Regent and Mr. Governor.

So, we can control the Omicron variant if we do two important things: first is the acceleration of vaccination drive, second is to comply with the health protocols. That’s it. I have conveyed these two things to the public; the speed of vaccination drive and compliance to health protocols, mainly wearing masks. Earlier, Mr. Regent said that in Boyolali the first dose [of vaccination] has reached 93 (93.91) percent, the second dose has reached 85 percent. If the percentage is that high, that would solve a lot of problems. So, I want to say thank you. I do not want to ask too much since the percentage is already high.

Thank you, Mr. Regent and Mr. Governor. Also, the ranks of the TNI and Polri, as well as Regional BIN, thank you.

We move to Sumenep, the floor is yours.

Sumenep Regent (Achmad Fauzi)

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Honorable President of the Republic of Indonesia, I am here with all members of Forkopimda. We are here to carry out booster vaccination in prison for the third time.

We need to briefly report that the vaccination in Sumenep regency for the first dose has reached approximately 76 percent, the second dose has reached 36 percent. Next, [the first dose] vaccination for the elderly has reached 82 percent, but for the second dose it is still low, only about 26 percent. However, we will continue to speed up [the vaccination drive] so that [vaccination] for the elderly can reach 60 percent by the end of this month.

Next, the vaccination drive for the age of 6-12 years in Sumenep regency is still low, just 3.2 percent, and we continue to [conduct] it every day. In Sumenep regency, the confirmed cases of Omicron are fairly high for the time being, starting on the 15th there was a spike of 162 cases, but on the 16th, it started to drop to 125 and gradually declining. However, we are still temporarily closed [the schools] to focus on vaccination drive for children and also to reduce the spread.

Meanwhile, the BOR (Bed Occupancy Rate) at the regional general hospital (RSUD) is still safe at 26 percent, this is still under control. Lastly, regarding the acceleration of booster vaccination drive in Sumenep regency is indeed quite low, but we will try to speed up the booster vaccination drive to achieve at least 20 percent until the end of this month. Because in Sumenep regency, especially Madura island, it needs a little extra effort. Extra effort to provide understanding to the residents so they want to receive vaccinations, there must be a persuasive communication to be more humane.

Lastly, we are basically ready to work so that the transmission of the Omicron COVID-19 pandemic can be controlled in Sumenep regency.

That concludes my report from Sumenep regency. Thank you.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Thank you, Mr. Regent. So, I just want to encourage it once again for Sumenep regency since the vaccination rate of the first dose is at 76 (percent) and the second dose is at 36 percent. I order the regional military commander (Dandim), the chief of Sumenep resort police, and also all members of Forkopimda to assist the vaccination drive acceleration so it can reach the highest percentage.

As for booster shots, please concentrate it in places with high community interaction. Most importantly, once again please convey to your people, the key is indeed in vaccination and comply with health protocols, especially in wearing masks, please convey that. Because from the data I received, 60 percent of those who died were those who had not been vaccinated, because of the old age, and there are comorbidities. Those who have been vaccinated are mostly also affected, but their condition is asymptomatic or mild.

Thank you, Sumenep. Please speed up your vaccination rate, thank you.

Next, Central Sulawesi.

Chief of Central Sulawesi Regional Police (Hery Santoso)

Good afternoon and may peace be upon us all.

Honorable President of the Republic of Indonesia;

Honorable Chief of the Indonesian National Police;

Honorable Ministers and members of provincial Forkopimda as well as regencies/municipalities all over Indonesia.

I would like to report that we are currently carrying out vaccination drive at one of the points in East Palu district of Palu city, together with Forkopimda members of Central Sulawesi province and Palu city.

I would like to inform you, Mr. President, that currently the governor and regional police chief of Central Sulawesi could not attend (the vaccination drive) since they are accompanying the team of House of Representative of Commission III who are carrying out a specific working visit related to the handling of the unrest that took place in Kasimbar district, Parigi Moutong regency.

We would like to report to Mr. President that of the 230 vaccination points in all over Central Sulawesi province, today, 170 vaccination points are carrying out vaccination with the main targets are the second and third doses, as well as for the elderly and children.

We, from Central Sulawesi Forkopimda, have set the target to achieve 1 percent vaccinated people per day or around 21,350 people, of which we carry out the vaccination drive together in collaboration with vaccinators from the Central Sulawesi’s regional police, regional military, regional health office, and regional intelligent agency (BINDA). The number of vaccinators who participated today is 1,450 personnel.

Also, we would like to report to Mr. President that the stock of vaccines in Central Sulawesi province, thank God, is still quite available, namely 221,101 doses and tomorrow, God willing, 88,000 doses of AstraZeneca will come.

Moreover, we would like to report to Mr. President that the vaccination rate in the province as of February 18th is 86.66 percent for the first dose, 48.15 percent for the second dose, and 1.5 percent for the third dose. As for the vaccination rate for the elderly with a target of 196,610 people, the first dose has reached 52.73 percent and the second dose has reached 29.84 percent.

For the elderly vaccination, we still encounter many obstacles, the most important of which is resistance from the elderly themselves and also from their families. In addition, at the time of screening many of them could not be vaccinated for their comorbid factors and high average blood pressure. Moreover, when we input their data in the P-Care app, there are many of them do not have ID cards so they cannot be registered into the P-Care. And for that, we are coordinating with the population and civil registration agency (dukcapil) to follow up on the ID cards issue in question.

Furthermore, for the vaccination rate for children with a target of 198,628 children, currently it has only reached 36.14 percent for the first dose and 0.42 percent for the second dose. Also, there is still a lot of resistance from parents to the implementation of this child vaccination.

In addition, as for the situation of the COVID-19 transmission in Central Sulawesi province, today there are 1,042 positive confirmations. Indeed, in the last two weeks there has been a significant increase, because on February 1, only 36 positive cases were recorded and today it has reached 1,042 cases, mainly in the cities of Palu, Sigi, and also Banggai. Of the total who were exposed to COVID-19, 121 patients underwent centralized isolation and 903 underwent self-isolation.

In detail, to date it has been recorded that 128 people contracted the Omicron variant, mainly in Palu, Tolitoli, and Morowali districts. Meanwhile, the positivity rate for Central Sulawesi province is currently still below 5 percent, namely 2.15 percent. The bed occupancy rate is still safe, which is only 16 percent that spread over 39 hospitals with bed capacity of 776.

The efforts that we have made so far to tackle the spread of COVID-19 and also to speed up the vaccination by using the strategy of carrying out vaccination drive in health facilities and also public spaces. Then also, we prioritize vaccination for professional and hobby communities. In addition, we also carry out mobile vaccinations, especially in remote islands and mountainous areas that are difficult to reach. And in particular, we also carry out door-to-door vaccinations, especially for the elderly who find it difficult to go to vaccination centers.

That concludes my report to Mr. President. We ask for your direction for the next.

Billahi taufik wal hidayah. Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Central Sulawesi reported their (vaccination rate) of the first dose is 86 (86.66) percent and the second dose is 48 (48.15) percent. So please speed up the second dose vaccination drive so that it can come near to the first dose’s number. Especially for places with high interaction, please give it priority to receive the third dose, the booster shot.

I think that is enough. Thank you, Central Sulawesi.

We move to West Sumatra. Please, West Sumatra.

Chief of West Sumatra Regional Police (Teddy Minahasa Putra)

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, good morning, and may peace be upon us all.

Honorable President of the Republic of Indonesia; Honorable Chief of the Indonesian National Police; Honorable Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces, Head of the State Intelligence Agency, and so on.

The West Sumatra Forkopimda and I currently carrying out vaccination drive at West Sumatra regional police would like to report you about three things.

First, on vaccination. Vaccination rate in all regencies/cities in West Sumatra province have reached above 70 percent, so there are no more cities/regencies below 70 percent (of rate). Then, from the total population of 5,534,472 people, 4,408,509 people are required to receive vaccines. Of the mandatory number of vaccines, 3,731,032 people have received vaccination, meaning we have reached 84.63 percent. Next, the elderly vaccination drive has reached 89.11 percent, and specifically for the children aged 6-11 (years old) vaccination drive, it has only reached 23.96 percent. Why this happened? It happens because the vaccination drive for children aged 6-11 in West Sumatra province is began in early February due to delay in the distribution of vaccines from the Central Government. That is, on the vaccination.

Second, on the constellation of the occurrence of COVID-19 cases. As of today, there are 2,973 cases in West Sumatra province. Cases occurred for nine days, meaning that from December to January we had zero cases. Starting February 9, the cases were popped out, and as of today there are a total of 2,973 cases. It means there are 330 cases per day on average. There are 6 people died, and 506 have been recovered, and the remaining 2,461 cases are still active to this day. That’s the second.

Last, on the BOR. Of 149 ICUs, 22 have been used, it means 14 percent. Then, of 1,231 COVID-19 isolations, 276 have been used, it means 22 percent, and of 156 centralized isolations, 60 have been used, it means 38 percent. In general, we would like to report the BOR is still available to accommodate the possibility of additional cases occurring at a later date.

That is all, Mr. President. Thank you.

Wallahul muwafiq Ila aqwamith Thariq,

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Mr. Regional Chief, thank you. I note the rate in West Sumatra for the first dose is 84 percent, which is good. Then, rate for the second dose is 52 percent, please speed up the second dose so it can come near to the first dose rate. So, please concentrate on the second dose. For the booster dose, I also order it to prioritize it in places with high interaction, maybe in markets or shops with high interaction among people. That’s all.

I would like to thank all members of the National Police, TNI, BIN, and local governments who have worked hard in West Sumatra. Thank you.

We move to Papua.

Chief of Papua Regional Police (Mathius D. Fakhiri)

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)


Chief of Papua Regional Police (Mathius D. Fakhiri)


Om swastiastu,

May peace be upon us all.

Honorable President of the Republic of Indonesia Ir. Joko Widodo and the Ministers;

Honorable Chief of the Indonesian National Police;

Honorable Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces, Head of the Regional Intelligence Agency, and high-ranking officials of National Police HQ.

We would like to inform you, Mr. President, that we together with members of provincial Forkopimda, the Cendrawasih military commander, Head of the regional intelligence agency, and also Mr. Governor and head of the regional health office. There are also Mr. Mayor and members of Jayapura’s Forkopimda, and head of the criminal investigation agency of National Police HQ as the assistance team to check how our vaccination drive’s acceleration in Papua.

Currently, we are at the Entrop Terminal of Jayapura city to witness the implementation of simultaneous vaccination drives in Papua, which we held in 64 vaccination centers and we set to shot 4,000 doses per day. For yesterday, we were able to reach 2,549 [shots]. We hope today can also be more than 2,549. Today, we prepare for 100 doses for the vaccination drive for children aged 6-11 years. We prepare 400 doses for the first and second shots and 1,500 doses specifically for the booster shots.

Honorable President, we also would like to report that seven regencies in Papua province have achieved 70 percent of the first dose vaccination and the average of 53 percent of the second dose. Of course, there are still 22 regencies that have low [rate of vaccination]. We have divided into three clusters, (the first) namely is the PON cluster. We hope, Mr. President, that as the cities of Jayapura and Merauke have reached 82 (percent), it will be followed by the regencies and Timika which God willing, in March it can reach 80 percent.

As for transit cluster, we have determined transit clusters such as Nabire, Wamena, Biak, Serui. We hope it can achieve 55 percent of rate in March. As of today, the average is at 45 to 50 percent.

And the last, the mountains, valleys, and coastal clusters, which are still very slow, Mr. President. This is because—as we previously reported to you, Mr. President—the vaccination target, which in our opinion, is fictitious since it still uses data for regional head elections. Therefore, we will implement strict lockdowns on transit areas that are required so if they want to go down to the destination area, they must receive vaccination first.

Indeed, there has been an increase, Mr. President, from zero to the average of few percent and now has reached 2 percent. We hope with the implementation carried out by local government vaccinators and assisted by the National Police and TNI, it can reach 3 percent in March.

Furthermore, Mr. President, we would like to report that the vaccination rate for the elderly of 173,361 targets, it has reached 25,901 or 14 percent. For the second vaccination, it has reached 10.85 percent.

For the vaccination drive for adolescents aged 12-17 years with a target of 400,850 people, we have reached 23.72 percent (for the first dose) and 16.82 percent or 68,600 for the second dose. For the vaccination drive for children aged 6-11 years with a target of 329,516 people, the first dose has reached 20,856 or 6.31 percent, the second dose has reached 2,084 people or 0.63 percent.

We would like to report for the COVID-19 development in the last week of this month, Mr. President. There is indeed quite a significant rise in confirmed cases in Papua, reaching 672 cases with 618 of active cases, 53 people have been recovered, and one person died four days ago. Of course, from the existing number, Mr. President, almost 80-85 percent are carrying out self-isolation since the patients are asymptomatic.

The number of vaccine doses we have received in Papua is 1,610,836 doses, of which we have used 1,320,216 doses, so that we in Papua still have 289,620 doses of vaccine in stock. We would like to report to Mr. President that yesterday and today there are four regencies that cannot be able to carry out vaccination drives since the stocks have run out. And earlier, we have reported it to the Head of Regional Health Office and today, God willing, the vaccines will arrive in the four regencies.

We would also like to report to the President, there are 45 hospitals available in Papua province and 15 are referral hospitals. The BOR availability (for treatment) is 550 beds, only 75 or 13.64 percent are used. The availability of ICU BOR is 102, only 2 beds or 1.96 percent are used. For the total BOR of Papua province is 652, 77 beds or 11.81 percent are used.

That concludes my report to Mr. President. Of course, we, from the Forkopimda of Papua province and regencies/cities, will always try to speed up the vaccination drive for the people. Indeed, even though there are still obstacles, this is nothing for us to continue to carry out our duties. We ask for your direction for the next. Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Mr. Regional Chief, thank you. Also, to Regional Military Commander, Regional Intelligence Agency Chief, as well as provincial, regency, and municipality governments in Papua, thank you. I understand that the geographical condition of the Papua is not easy, especially in the mountains. Therefore, I order it to prioritize it in regencies/cities with high interaction, please speed up the vaccination drives there. Thank you, Papua.

Last one, South Kalimantan.

Governor of South Kalimantan (Sahbirin Noor)

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Honorable Mr. President,

Ladies and gentlemen.

We would like to report from South Kalimantan that the first dose of vaccination rate is at 85 percent and the second vaccination rate is still at around 50 percent. For the elderly vaccination rate in South Kalimantan Province almost reached 66 percent. And of course, some of obstacles remain occurred on the field, but we are working hard to overcome it.

But clearly, we from South Kalimantan would like to express our gratitude and pride to Mr. President for encouraging the people to accelerate (vaccination), in which we, the nation, are experiencing a major plague. And it certainly encourages all of us to work hand-in-hand to overcome it. Indeed, our vaccine (stock), Mr. President, are still available, and thank you for yesterday we received it again and we are ready to distribute it again to the community.

That concludes my report from South Kalimantan. Thank you, Mr. President.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Mr. Governor, thank you. I note the rate in South Kalimantan for the first dose is fairly high 85 percent, the second dose is 50 percent. Please speed up the second dose, assisted by to Regional Military Commander, Regional Police Chief, and Regional Intelligence Agency Chief. I want the second dose of vaccination drive to be accelerated. For the booster dose, is still at three percent is to be prioritized in places with high interaction. That’s all. I think South Kalimantan is done a good job since the elderly vaccination rate have reached 66 percent.

I would like to thank the Governor, Regional Police Chief, Regional Intelligence Agency Chief, as well as provincial, regency, and municipality governments in South Kalimantan. Thank you.

Maluku, last one is Maluku.

Chief of Maluku Regional Police (Lotharia Latif)

Allow me,

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,


Honorable President of the Republic of Indonesia,

Honorable Ministers, Head of State Intelligence Agency, Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces, and Chief of Indonesian National Police.

We would like to report to Mr. President about the developments in Maluku. So far, the recovery rate of Maluku is almost the same as the national rate of 86 percent. Then, the mortality rate is below the national rate, we are at 1.6 percent, while the national rate is 2.9 percent. And our active cases are at 0.3 percent, below the national rate of 9.3 percent.

We are here with Regional Secretary for Maluku province, the assistance team from the Mobile Brigade Command Corps at the National Police HQ, Regional Intelligence Chief, and the Commander of the Pattimura Military Command.

We would like to report our activities with the four pillars, the TNI, Polri, regional health office and BINDA, that the vaccination rate one month ago was still around 56 percent and in 1.5 months we can push it to reach, according to Ministry of Health, 67.9 percent, but (according) our manual record, it has reached 69 percent. This happened since there are problems with signal information in some areas for the geography of Maluku, but we hope that in the next few weeks we can reach 70 percent.

As for the elderly vaccination rate, for the first dose we have reached 51.25 percent, for adolescents’ vaccination is 74.68 percent, and 28.32 percent for children’s vaccination. Of the eleven districts, the highest achievement is in Ambon at 96 percent. But there are three regencies that still have not reached 65 percent, namely Tual, West Seram, and Central Maluku. This is simply because of their geography and must be traveled by sea.

We would like to report to Mr. President that together with all related elements, we are carrying out efforts to speed up vaccination drive by making use of the existing facilities. We carry out floating vaccination program for the islands, door-to-door vaccination for people in the mountains, so we will reach 70 percent.

As for the BOR data, we have 1,388 beds and only 153 are occupied, so it’s only 11 percent. There are three places for centralized isolation, currently only one is in use and there are only 24 percent of patients. The achievement two days ago, Mr. President, (even though there) was the addition of 54 positive cases, but yesterday there was a decline of 42 percent.

Characteristics of Maluku, we carry out prevention together with relevant agencies at airports and ship ports so that we can carry out screening and do sampling to the people. If it is found that one has not received the vaccine, we will direct them to receive the vaccination, and if one have not received the second dose, we will direct them to receive it, and if one have received the second dose, we will direct them to receive the third dose.

That concludes my report to Mr. President from Maluku. We ask for your direction for the next. Thank you.

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Mr. Regional Chief, thank you. I note the rate in Maluku for the first dose is 69 percent, the second dose is 38 percent. Therefore, please speed up the second dose so it can come near to the first dose rate. I know and I understand that the geographical condition of the islands of Maluku is also not easy. Therefore, I really appreciate the achievements of 69 and 38 percent, and it should be accelerated more. That’s all.

I would like to thank Regional Police Chief, Regional Intelligence Chief, Regional Military Commander, as well as provincial, regency, and municipality governments in Maluku. Thank you.

Chief of Maluku Regional Police (Lotharia Latif)

Thank you, Mr. President.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Ladies and gentlemen,

Once more, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Minister of Health and all the ranks of the Ministry, Police Chief and all the ranks of the National Police, TNI Commander and all ranks of the TNI, Head of the BIN and all ranks of the Regional BIN, as well as all provincial, regency, and municipality governments who have been working together to boost vaccination drive.

As for the key to controlling COVID-19 is indeed vaccination and the second is health protocols. I think if we can scale up these two things massively in the community, God willing, our country will soon move from pandemic to endemic and we hope that our national economic recovery can also be accelerated.

That concludes my speech on this auspicious occasion. Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.

Good afternoon,

God bless us all.

I thank you.


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