Doing Blusukan President Joko Widodo Wants to Hear Peoples Voice

Presiden Joko Widodo was greeted enthusiastically when visiting Manggarai Subdistrict, Tebet Regency, South Jakarta, on Thursday (10/9) afternoon
President Joko Jokowi Widodo answered questions from several sides as to how frequent he conducts improptu visits (blusukan) to several places, either during a working visit to some regions or in Jakarta.
I conduct blusukan in order to hear directly the voices of the people, for example their needs and their complaints, President Joko Widodo said to the reporters who approached him after the President and First Lady Ibu Iriana distributing basic commodities to the people in community unit (RW) 05, 06, and 12, Manggarai Subdistrict, Tebet Regency, South Jakarta, on Thursday (10/9) afternoon.
According to the President, the voices and the sorrow of people must be acknowledged by the leaders of the country, especially the President.
I could not just stay in the Palace and have no idea the problems of and demands from the people, the President said.
Asked about what the people want, the President said a with smile: The people said, Pak, visit us again, do not just once.
For the record, President Joko Widodo and First Lady Ibu Iriana on Thursday (10/9) afternoon conducted an improptu visit (blusukan) to neighbourhood unit (RT) 007, community unit (RW) 012, Manggarai Subdistrict, Tebet Regency, South Jakarta.
On the occasion, the President and the First Lady distributed 2,000 packages of basic commodities to the people in community unit (RW) 05, 06, and 12, Manggarai Subdistrict.