Don’t Let World Conflicts Continue, President Jokowi Says

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 27 Januari 2018
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President Jokowi shakes hands with Prime Minister of Pakistan Shahid Khaqan Abbasi at the Pakistani National Assembly, in Islamabad, on Friday (26/1).

President Jokowi shakes hands with Prime Minister of Pakistan Shahid Khaqan Abbasi at the Pakistani National Assembly, in Islamabad, on Friday (26/1).

Economy of a country or a region can grow if there is political stability and security, President  Joko “Jokowi” Widodo says in his remarks during the state visit to Pakistan.

The President added that economic activities would never take place if there are conflicts or even wars.

“Conflicts and wars will benefit no one. The people – mainly woman and children – always bear the brunt of those conflicts and wars,” President Jokowi said before the members of Pakistani National Assembly, in Islamabad, on Friday (26/1).

The President also said that conflicts and wars destroy values of humanities and the virtue bestowed by God.

“Hence, it is Indonesia’s commitment to maintain world peace as ‘net contributor to peace’,” the President added.

According to the President, for more than 50 years, Indonesia, together with ASEAN,  has been working hard to create the ecosystem of peace, stability, and prosperity in the Southeast Asia region.

“Through ASEAN’s unity and centrality, Indonesia continues to contribute to the creation of stable and prosperous Asia Pacific region,” the President added.

In a wider region, President Jokowi stressed that Indonesia would like to have an ecosystem of peace, stability, and prosperity in Indo-Pacific region, making the Indo-Pacific region of growth for the world, while at the global level, just like Pakistan, Indonesia is one of the biggest contributors for the World Peacekeeping Troops, and Indonesia is determined to be the true partner for world peace.

Also on that occasion, President Jokowi added that in the past two years, Indonesia has collaborated with other countries and provided contribution to resolve differences among countries; provide humanitarian assistance including in conflict areas; help the preservation of security in the region; overcome various trans border crimes including the illicit trafficking of drugs and psychotropic substances, human trafficking, and terrorism.

Threats of radicalism and terrorism, the President added, is ubiquitous and not a single country is immune from terrorism. Terrorism attacks took place in almost all countries, including Indonesia and Pakistan, the President said.

“Muslims are the largest victims of conflicts, wars, and acts of terrorism,” President Jokowi said, adding that 76 percent of terrorism attacks took place in Muslim countries; 60 percent of arm conflict happened in Muslim countries.

In addition, hundred million of Muslims are forced to flee from the countries in pursue of better living, in which 67 percent of those refugees comes from Muslim countries, the President added.

President Jokowi also reminded all that million of young generation lost their hopes for the future and this alarming condition is caused by internal weakness although there are also a lot of external factors.

“Are we going to let this appalling conditions keep on happening over and over again? If you ask me, I will say no. We must not allow conflict to continue existing in our countries; we must not allow conflict to continue existing in the world. Our respect for humanity should be our guides in our lives as nations, once again respect for humanity,” the President firmly said.

President Jokowi underlined that history has taught us that weapons and military power never be able to resolve conflict; in fact, weapon and military power alone will never be able to create and preserve world peace.

“Competition and arms race will continuously create tension. Indonesia is a country that has experienced conflicts,” the President added.

President Jokowi mentioned that conflict in Aceh which took place for more than 30 years was not resolved through military approach but  through negotiation and dialogs.

For this reason, the President urged that habit of dialog must be put forth and it makes ASEAN, the association of ten countries in Southeast Asia, able to be the engine of stability and prosperity in Southeast Asia.

“I hope that each and everyone of us, each and everyone of us will be the contributors of world peace, the effort contributor in prospering the world in the name of humanity and justice. We must be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem. Let us work together for the creation of peaceful and prosperous world in the name of all mankind living in this world,” President Jokowi concluded. (EN/RAH/ES)(RAS/EP/YM/Naster)

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