E. Kalimantan’s Community, Customary Figures Express Support for New Capital City

President Jokowi holds a meeting with community, customary figures in East Kalimantan province (01/31) (Photo by: BPMI of Presidential Secretariat/Laily Rachev)
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo Monday (01/31) hold a meeting with a number of community and customary figures of East Kalimantan province at Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman International Airport in Balikpapan city, East Kalimantan province. On that occasion, the community and customary figures expressed their support for the development of Indonesia’s New Capital City (IKN) in the province.
According to Deputy to Minister of National Development Planning (PPN)/Head of the National Development Planning Agency for Monitoring, Evaluation and Development Control Taufik Hanafi, these figures expressed their enthusiasm and full support for the IKN development. They also expected the Government to pay attention to local wisdom, the strengthening of human resources, local customs, and culture in developing the new capital.
“On behalf of the Sultanate of Kutai Kartanegara, we fully support the IKN development,” Sultan of Kutai Kartanegara Muhammad Arifin said.
Echoing the same sentiments, Sultan of Paser Muhammad Jarnawi said that the Sultanate of Paser is enthusiastic for the IKN development. He was also proud to be able to meet and have a dialogue with President Joko Widodo.
“We believe that the relocation of Indonesia’s capital city will bring new representation, dignity of Indonesia to the world,” Muhammad Jarnawi said.
Moreover, customary chief of Dayak Kenyah Ajang Tedung expressed his hope that the Government can involve indigenous people in the capital authority agency and the physical construction. The Government is also expected to pay more attention to local wisdom, customs, and culture.
Head of the Bubuhan Banjar Community Syarifuddin HR also asked the Government to pay attention to human resources quality of indigenous people so that they will be able to compete with other human resources from outside Kalimantan. People of Kalimantan will welcome everyone who wants to come and will always respect each other.
Vice Head of South Sulawesi Community Andi Singkeru said that although he is not originally from East Kalimantan, he can coexist with the indigenous people. He further stated that whoever will live in the IKN in the future are the people of Indonesia. (BPMI of Presidential Secretariat/UN) (AP/MMB)