Economic Growth Still in the Big 5 of World, President Jokowi Ask Market Participants Remain Optimistic

By Humas     Date 10 Agustus 2015
Category: News
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President Jokowi accompanied by the Chairman of OJK, Muliaman Hadad, inaugurated TV channel of the Capital Market, in Indonesia Stock Exchange Jakarta, Monday (10/8)

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked the market players to remain optimistic amid the global economic slowdown. The President delivered his request as he attended the 38th anniversary of the Indonesian Capital Market in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI), Region SCBD Jakarta, Monday (10/8).

“We have to remain optimistic. Not only the economy of Indonesia, but other countries also slowed down and we are still growing, our economic growth is still 5 of the world, “said President Jokowi.

To reassure market players, the President then directly asked the Minister of Finance Bambang Brodjonegoro to convey the ministry budget absorption target, and then answered by the Minister of Finance 93 percent.

“Estimates of spending ministries and institutions will surely jump in October-November,” the president said Jokowi.

To be sure that the Indonesian economy to keep growing, the President asked the market players to look directly in the field, especially in infrastructure development.

Become Barometer

At the end of his speech, the President expressed the government’s support, to continue to encourage the BEI to be more solid in facing the various dynamics of the world economy, so it can be a barometer of the stock market, both in Asia and globally.

“Let us maintain and continue to improve the performance of the market, so the Indonesian capital market will be a barometer, both in Asia and worldwide,” President Jokowi said.

After giving a speech, then President signed the inscription, Launch of the Capital Market TV channel “Indonesian Business, Capital Market Channel” followed by a review into the studio.

Attending the event, among others, Coordinating Minister for Economy Sofyan Djalil, Minister of Finance Bambang Brodjonegoro, and Chairman of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Muliaman Hadad. (WID/UN/RAH/ES)

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