Education Minister Issues Circular on Policy Education amidst COVID-19 Outbreak

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 25 Maret 2020
Category: News
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Minister of Education and Culture delivers remarks at a press conference, Tuesday (24/3). Photo by: PR/Ibrahim.

Minister of Education and Culture on 24 March 2020 issued Circular Number 4 of 2020 on Implementation of Education Policy amidst COVID-19 Outbreak.

The Circular aims to maintain the physical and mental health of students, teachers, principals and all school stakeholders. The Circular covers the following directives:

First, on National Examination (UN): a. The 2020 National Examination is canceled, including the 2020 Competency Test for Vocational High Schools; b. With the cancellation of the 2020 National Examination, the participation of the National Examination is not a requirement for graduation or higher education enrollment; c. With the cancellation of the 2020 National Examination, the graduation for elementary school equivalency program, junior high school equivalency program, and senior high school equivalency program will be stipulated later.

Second, the Learning from Home process is implemented under the following conditions: a. Learning from Home through online/distance learning is implemented to provide a meaningful learning experience for students, without any requirement to complete all curriculum materials for student promotion or graduation; b. Learning from Home can be focused on life skills education including on the COVID-19 pandemic; c. Learning activities and assignments for Learning from Home program can vary between students, according to their interests and conditions and considering the gap of access/learning facilities at home; d. Evidence or products from home learning activities are in the forms of qualitative and useful feedback from teacher, without any requirement to give quantitative scores.

Third, School Examination for graduation is implemented under the following conditions: a. School Examination for graduation in the form of tests that require students to gather should not be carried out, except those have been implemented before the issuance of this circular b. School Examination may be carried out in the form of report cards and achievement reports, assignments, online tests, and/or other forms of distance assessment; c. School Examination is designed to encourage meaningful learning activities, not for measuring the overall completeness of curriculum outcomes; d. Schools that have implemented School Examination can use the School Examination scores to determine student graduation.

For schools that have not implemented the School Examination, the following conditions apply: 1) Graduation for Primary School/equivalent student is based on the student score of the last five semesters (grade 4, grade 5, and the odd semester of grade 6). The scores in the even semester of grade 6 can be used as an additional passing grade; 2) Graduation for Junior High School/equivalent student and Senior High School/equivalent student are based on the student score of the last five semesters. The scores in the even semester of grade 9 and grade 12 can be used as an additional passing grade; and 3) Graduation for Vocational High School (SMK)/equivalent student is based on report card, field work practices, portfolios and score of practical learning during the last five semesters. The last semester can be used as an additional passing grade.

Fourth, Student Promotion is implemented under the following conditions: a. Semester examination for student promotion in the form of tests that require students to gather should not be carried out, except those have been carried out before the issuance of this Circular; b. Semester examination for Student Promotion may be implemented in the form of portfolio reports and previous achievements, assignments, online tests, and/or other forms of distance assessment; c. The semester examination for Student Promotion is designed to encourage meaningful learning activities, not for measuring the overall completeness of curriculum outcomes.

Fifth, the School Enrollment (PPDB) is implemented under the following conditions: a. The Local Education Office and schools should prepare the School Enrollment mechanism in accordance with the health protocol to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including by preventing students and parents from being physically gather at school; b. The achievement-based School Enrollment is carried out based on: 1) the scores in the last five semesters written in report card; and/or 2) academic and non-academic achievements; c. The Center for Data and Information (Pusdatin) of Ministry of Education and Culture provides technical assistance to regions that need an online School Enrollment mechanism.

“The School Operational Assistance Funds or Education Operational Assistance can be used for procurement of goods in accordance with the needs of the school, including for the prevention of COVID-19 spread such as the provision of cleaning equipment, hand sanitizers, disinfectant and  face masks for school stakeholders,” the Circular reads. (EN)


Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Reviewed by: Mia Medyana

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