Education Ministry Disseminates Indonesia Raya 3 Stanzas

Photo caption: Minister of Education and Culture, MuhadjirEffendy gives speech at the socialization of Indonesia Raya 3 stanzas at TIM, Jakarta, Sunday (30/10)
To commemorate the 88th anniversary of Sumpah Pemuda (Youth Pledge), Ministry of Education and Culture on Sunday (30/10) hosted the Merayakan Indonesia Raya, 88 Tahun Lagu Kebangsaan event, which was held at Graha Bhakti Budaya, Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM), Jakarta.
On this occasion, Minister of Education and Culture disseminated the national anthem, Indonesia Raya with 3 stanzas. The song was composed by Wage Rudolf Supratman and performed at the end of the third Kongres Pemuda (Youth Congress) on October 28, 1928.
Gita Bahana Nusantara Choir and Orchestra managed under the Ministry of Education and Culture performed the Indonesia Raya 3 stanzas.
The event was also attended by various ministries, institutions, schools, activists, educational analysts and activists, and legislatives from Parliaments Commission I and Commission X.
On that occasion, in his remarks, Minister of Education and Culture Muhadjir Effendy talked about the importance to revaluate the significance of state symbols concomitant with the changes of the era in order to prepare for the upcoming nation and state challenges.
The red and white flag, national symbol Garuda Pancasila and the national anthem should be regarded as the foundation and our base of patriotism, Muhadjir said.
Furthermore, the Minister invited teachers, school managements and educational activists of every educational level in Indonesia to sing national anthem at the start and at the end of the school activity.
We have to pile up memories of national history by expressing our patriotism through music. There are several national songs that could graze the conscience and arouse the patriotism of our students, The Minister said.
Government Regulation Number 44 of 1958 on National Anthem Indonesia Raya, and Law Number 24 of 2009 on Flag, Language, and State Symbol and National Anthem are used as the foundation of using the National Anthem Indonesia Raya in various occasions.
In the meantime, the Ministrys General Director of Culture Hilmar Farid said that his ministry is preparing the informative yet easy to use material and has an easy access to public for the dissemination regarding the correct procedure to deliver the National Anthem.
It is highly hoped that these national anthem can be one of the materials that encourages positive impact in programs such as in strengthening of character education which is in accordance with Ministry of Education and Cultures focus as of now, said Hilmar. (Biro Komunikasi Kemendikbud/RMI/ES)(SU/EP/YM/Naster)