Education Ministry Launches New Program for Teacher Empowerment

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 3 Juli 2020
Category: News
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Ministry of Education and Culture on Friday (3/7) launched the part five of “Merdeka Belajar” (Freedom to Learn) program: transformational teachers as the driving force for education transformation in Indonesia.

“(The transformational teachers) are expected to be able to support students’ development holistically to become students who uphold the principle of Pancasila (the Five Principles, the Indonesian State Ideology). They are also expected to become trainers or mentors for other teachers for student-centered learning, and become role models and agents of transformation for the education ecosystem,” Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Anwar Makarim said.

In the meantime, Director General of teachers and educational workers personnel of Ministry of Education and Culture, Iwan Syahril, explained the education process and evaluation of the transformational teachers is based on impact and evidence. “The leadership process is very important, and we learn from various studies and andragogy approaches that we must pay attention to “on the job learning” that is relevant and contextual,” Iwan added.

The program provides three training modules. The first module is the paradigm and vision of transformational teachers. It covers analysis on Indonesia’s educational philosophy (Ki Hadjar Dewantara, values ​​and vision of transformational teachers, and developing a positive culture at schools. The second module is student-centered learning practice. The third module is about leadership for school development, containing material about decision making as leaders, leadership in resource management, and management of school programs that have an impact on students.

The transformational teachers, Iwan added, are expected to be able to produce as many transformation agents as possible in the education ecosystem to produce globally competent students who uphold values of Pancasila, encourage the transformation of education in Indonesia, empower students to achieve academic achievement, teach creatively, and continuously pursue self-development.

Iwan further said that transformational teachers program is a form of collaboration from all parties with a focus on students. “Transformational teachers must be able to inspire, to continuously learn and explore their potential and set an example for students. Let us strengthen collaboration for Indonesian children towards a better education,” he said.

The schedule for transformational teachers program is as follows:

  • 13 July 2020: information on recruitment.
  • 13 July – 22 July 2020: registration at

23 July – 30 July 2020: administrative verification: CV, scholastic aptitude test, essay, and case study.

  • 24 – 28 August 2020: announcement of the results of administrative verification and schedule for the next selection process.
  • 31 August – 16 September 2020: selection process: microteaching and interview.
  • 19 September 2020: announcement of prospective transformational teachers.
  • 5 October 2020 -31 August 2021: transformational teachers training.
  • 15 September 2021: announcement of the designation of transformational teachers.

More detailed information about the transformational teachers program will be provided at the registration page (Ministry of Education and Culture/EN)



Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Reviewed by: Yuyu Mulyani

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