Ending the Visit in Papua, President Jokowi Provide KIS, KIP, KKS, to the Citizens of Manokwari

By Humas     Date 11 Mei 2015
Category: News
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President Jokowi provide KIS, KKS, and KIP to residents in Manokwari, West Papua, on Monday (11/5) morning

On the last day of his working visit to Papua and West Papua, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) accompanied by First Lady Iriana opportunity to distribute of Indonesia Healthy Card (KIS), Indonesia Smart Card (KIP), Family Welfare Card (KKS) and Social Assistance Card (KAS) for persons with disabilities.

The cards distribution are conducted in the village of Padarni, Manokwari, West Papua on Monday (11/5) morning. The details of the recipient of cards are as follows: KKS 887 given to heads of household, KIS submitted to 2,232 people, KIP for 1,070 students, and KAS submitted to 52 people.

In his speech, President Jokowi, appealed to the recipient of KIS went to the health center if they suffer a mild illness. “If a serious illness then referred to the hospital,” he said.

President Jokowi explained that the recipient of KIP for Elementary School (SD) annually receive assistance amounting to Rp 450 thousand. While Junior High School (SMP) of Rp 750 thousand, and High School (SMA/SMK) amounting to Rp 1 million.

“Therefore, let no one who is not school, because it was given assistance of KIS,” asked President Jokowi.

On that occasion, the President Jokowi also distributed bicycles as gifts to some people who can answer questions spontaneously from him. Some of these questions, among others, residents are asked to mention five types of plants, mention five names of animals.

Accompanying the President on the occasion among others Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Tedjo Edhi Purdijatno, Minister of Social Affairs Khofifah Indar Parawansa, TNI Commander General Moeldoko, National Police Chief Gen. Badrodin Haiti, and West Papua Governor Abraham Octavianus Atururi. (Humas Setkab/ES)

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