Enggano Island to be Maritime Destination Spot

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 11 Agustus 2016
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2016_08_11 RaniThe development of Enggano Island into a tourist destination spot in North Bengkulu will not affect the environment.

The statement was delivered by Regent of Bengkulu, Mian, on Monday (8/8), at the meeting room of the Ministry of the State Secretariat, after meeting with the Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Maritime Affairs.

“Acceleration in the development of the island must be based on the environment by taking into account capacity support of the island. This should be a concern,” Mian said.

Enggano Island as one of Indonesia’s potential outermost islands lies at the Indian Rim has varieties of ecosystems including mangrove forests, coral reefs, seagrass, sandy coasts, and small islands, as well as has uniqueness like no other islands.

It has some certain node plasma, as well as flora and fauna which other islands do not have. The island also has white-eye, Mian added.

According to Mian, the Regional Government of Bengkulu currently provides marine conservation areas which is supported by the Regional Regulation and Decree of the Regent of North Bengkulu Number 175 of 2014 on Observation Areas. The Regional Government also secures 37,167 hectares of land which will be constructed into conservation areas.

“Enggano Island will become tourist destination spot that has good environmental governance. We have issued Regent’s Regulation and Decree which regulate that the development process must be in line with local wisdom, geographic condition, and the ecosystem,” Mian said.

To maintain the originality of the locals live in the island, the Regional Government asserted that transmigration policy was taken so that the locals can learn from the transmigrants, and it could improve the economic growth.

“Transmigrant will serve as a stimulus to add the population locally, so it will not harm the environment,” Mian added.

Considering that the island borders with Indian Rim, Enggano Island is safer compared to other islands in Indonesia that border with other countries. Moreover, the Regional Government is still optimistic to enhance the development in Enggano Island whereas the Island lies in the ring of fire in Sumatra.

One of potentials to be developed in Enggano Island is diving spot. It will be centralized in Dua Island which has many coral reefs, and beaches with small waves. Moreover, the island also has many floating fish nets which can include in a marine tourist package. The tourists can also enjoy fresh fishes that are caught directly from the floating fish nets that will give great impression to the tourists.

Enggano Island has also 2 km wide zone of mangroves which is planned to be developed in Kahyapu Village near the resident areas.

Regional Government welcomed and appreciated the decision to select Enggano Island as the center of commemoration of the 71st Anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia for maritime areas, particularly the outermost island.

This momentum is expected to increase tourists’ interest to come to the island.

“We will be a great host and take the momentum to make Enggano Island more recognized, at least by the policy makers at the Central Government,” Mian added.

Mian added that people in Enggano Island also welcomed the plan, and they already prepared several events for the anniversary. One of the events is awarding customary title to the officials attending the event.

In the future, the development of Enggano Island as a tourist destination spot in North Bengkulu will be supported by establishing supporting infrastructures such as homestay, facilities for diving, snorkeling, and scuba diving, as well as facilities for hunting in Gunung Nanua Hunting Park. Regional Government hopes ministries and institutions will support the plan to accelerate the development in Enggano Island. (RMI/JAY/ES) (RAS/EP/YM/Naster)

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