Establishment of Disabilities Commission is Commitment to Persons with Disabilities: Gov’t

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 1 Desember 2021
Category: News
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Presidential Special Staffer Angkie Yudistia delivers press statement at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (01/12). (Photo by: PR/Jay)

The establishment of the National Disabilities Commission is concrete proof of the Government’s commitment to protect and respect rights of persons with disabilities, according to Presidential Special Staffer Angkie Yudistia.

“The establishment of National Disabilities Commission is a first good step towards creating equality for persons with disabilities in a bid to create an inclusive and disability-friendly environment in Indonesia,” she said in a s statement after joining an inauguration ceremony of seven members of the commission at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (01/12).

According to Angkie, the establishment is also a token of the commitment from President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo in manifesting Law Number 8 of 2016 on Persons with Disabilities and Presidential Regulation Number 68 of 2020 on National Disabilities Commission.

Echoing a similar sentiment, Chairperson of the National Disabilities Commission Dante Rigmalia underscored that the establishment of the commission is a process to ensure protection and fulfillment of the rights of persons with disabilities based on equal rights as Indonesian citizens.

“Therefore, they can also enjoy the fruit of development and make contribution to national development,” she said, while appealing to everyone to support the commission in performing its tasks and function.  (TGH/UN) (RAS/EP)

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