Fifteen More Bodies Have Identified, Indonesian Haj Pilgrims Death Toll in Mina Rises to 34

The Head of the Religious Affairs Ministry’s regional haj (Kadaker), Arsyad Hidayat, delivered the development of the searching on Indonesian Haj Pilgrims, in Mina, Mecca, on Sunday (27/9)
The Religious Affairs Ministry’s Haj Management Committee (PPIH) in Saudi Arabia has identified 15 bodies of Indonesian Haj Pilgrims who became the victims during the incident in Mina. Thus, adding to the previous number of Indonesian haj pilgrims who were found dead in the incident in Mina, Saudi Arabia, on Thursday (24/9), the number increased to 34 victims.
The Head of the Religious Affairs Ministry’s regional haj Arsyad Hidayat in the press conference, on Sunday (27/9) afternoon said that fifteen bodies have been identified were from several flight groups: three bodies from BTH 14, nine bodies from JKS 61, two bodies from SUB 48, and one body from UPG 10.
Here are the fifteen names of the bodies and the details:
1. Nabaha Matsen Tarif from BTH 14, passport number B1306146;
2. Reni Arfiani Kaherdin from BTH 14, passport number B1311784;
3. Ponpon Sadjaah Sastrapradja from BTH 14, passport number B0524212;
4. Tanti Puspitawati Suharsono from JKS 61, passport number B092927;
5. Rina Ocktarina Siroz Thoyib from JKS 61, passport number A3729946;
6. Neneng Nurjuwitawati Deni Sahroni from JKS 61, passport number B0932973;
7. Erik Suryaman Aceng Kartika from JKS 61, passport number B0933000;
8. Eni Sukarni Oyo from JKS 61, passport number B0724661;
9. Atik Suryati Suarno from JKS 61, passport number B0732946;
10. Endang Sutiana Atang from JKS 61, passport number B0929866;
11. Debi Merlindayani Hamdani from JKS 61, passport number B0476595;
12. Wisma Widyana Puspitasari from JKS 61, passport number B1211713;
13. Tasmudji Agung Seputro from SUB 48, passport number B1225358;
14. Muzayyana Tahir Saruni from SUB 48, passport number B1467939; and
15. Nadjemiah Samad Madjida from UPG 10, passport number B0693478.
In the previous news, it has been announced that as many as 19 people were death in the incident.Now, the number of victims increased by 15 people, so the total number of Indonesian Haj Pilgrims who became the victims during the incident in Mina, up until now are 34 people, Arsyad said.
As for haj pilgrims from Indonesia who were reported to have not yet returned to their lodgings, according to Arsyad, have decreased from 99 to 90 people. They were consisting of: 1) Eight people from BTH 14; 2) 17 people from SUB 48; 3) 48 people from JKS 61; 4) seven people from UPG 10; 5) seven people from SOC 62; and 6) three people from SUB 32.
Arsyad asserted that the team will continue to find related informations concerning the people who have not yet returned to their lodgings by tracing hospitals in Saudi Arabia and indentifying the bodies at Al Mu’ashim morgue, Mecca.
We will update the data and deliver it as soon as possible, Arsyad said. (Humas Kemenag/ES) (RAS/MMD/YM–Naster/Sy)