Fighting Corruption, Illicit Drugs, Terrorism Needs Firm Action, President Jokowi Says

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 16 Agustus 2018
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Ambassadors listen to the President's Remarks at the Joint Session of the DPR-RI & DPD-RI, at the Nusantara Building, Jakarta, Thursday (8/16). (Photo by: Oji/Public Relations Division)

Ambassadors listen to the President’s Remarks at the Joint Session of the DPR-RI & DPD-RI, at the Nusantara Building, Jakarta, Thursday (8/16). (Photo by: Oji/Public Relations Division)

In another part of his remarks, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo said that corruption is an extraordinary crime that must be fought in extraordinary ways.

The Government, the President further explained, will continue to support the efforts taken by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to eradicate corruption. On the occasion, the President stressed that the Government also gives high priority to corruption prevention and its enforcement efforts.

“To that end, the Government has issued a National Strategy for Corruption Prevention, through Presidential Regulation Number 54 of 2018 as a national policy direction that contains the focus on and targets of corruption prevention,” the President said in his remarks at the 73rd Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia’s Independence, at the Joint Session before the House of Representatives (DPR-RI) and the Regional Representatives Council of the Republic of Indonesia (DPD-RI), at the Nusantara Building, Jakarta, Thursday (8/16).

In addition, the President added, the Government also continued the Saber Pungli (task force to eradicate illegal levy) initiative, which until the first semester of 2018 had carried out 2,911 sting operations.

As for respecting, protecting, fulfilling, and enforcing human rights, the President said that the Government is trying to accelerate the settlement of past human rights cases, and improve human rights protection so that the same incident will not happen again in the future.

The President also stated that the Indonesian nation needed courage and firmness to make the best decisions for the interests of the Indonesian people, including the determination to protect forests and land.

According to the President, such effort has paid off. This can be seen from the decline in forest and land fires compared to that of previous years. “I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the Indonesian National Defence Forces (TNI), the Indonesian National Police (Polri), Regional Governments and all citizens who are dedicated to preventing and fighting the threat of forest fires,” the President said.

Firmness, the President went on to explain, is also needed in eradicating illicit drugs which damaged the future of the nation. He reminded all that such efforts require cooperation of all parties to save the lives of dozens of thousands of the children of the nation, who are victims of drug crime each year.

The President also emphasized that firmness must be carried out in safeguarding natural resources for sovereignty over Indonesia’s natural resources. Furthermore, the President said that maritime sovereignty from the sea, the bay to the ocean will be maintained.

“We pay serious attention to fish theft in our waters,” the President firmly said.

Not only that, the President said, after several decades in the hands of others, the Mahakam Oil and Gas Block, the Sanga-Sanga Oil and Gas Block, the Rokan Oil and Gas Block, and the majority of Freeport’s shares are returned to Indonesia’s management to be used as much as possible for the welfare of the people.

In addition, the President stressed that all elements of the nation must maintain the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia, affirm the pledge of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika – Unity in Diversity, prevent and eradicate terrorism to its roots.

“We support the role of ulama, community leaders, academicians, religious organizations, community organizations and families to block the exposure of radical teachings to our youth,” the President said.

He asserted that the Government fully supports the synergy between the Polri, TNI, the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), and all elements of the nation in preventing and fighting terrorism.

To that end, the President said the Government will continue to ensure security stability, including with more sophisticated primary weaponry defense system and improve the capability, professionalism and welfare of the TNI and Polri.

“As a large country, we must protect the sovereignty of our country by building a modern defense system and a professional TNI,” the President said, adding that the Polri reforms are continued to put in place to increase public trust. (DNA/GUN/OJI/AGG/ES) (MUR/MMB/YM/Naster).

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