Foreign Minister Release the Team of Humanitarian Mission of Indonesia to Nepal

By Humas     Date 30 April 2015
Category: News
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Military (TNI) aircraft and crew that will bring Indonesian humanitarian mission to Nepal, at Halim, Jakarta, Wednesday (29/4)

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia on Wednesday (29/4) afternoon sending humanitarian aid and evacuation team to Nepal. Humanity team is also expected to accelerate the evacuation of Indonesian citizens (WNI) who become victims of earthquake which measuring 7.9 on Richter scale (SR) that shook Nepal on Saturday (25/4) afternoon.

Using Boeing 737 Air Force, the team departed from Halim Airport, Jakarta. This Phase I team consists of personnel from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), TNI, and the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI).

Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi, when removing the team said, this humanitarian mission is a form of brotherhood and solidarity as well as sympathy for the Indonesian government to Nepal. “Therefore, although coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this assistance involves all components of the nation,” she said.

In the Humanitarian Team also has two (2) doctors from the police to equip 15 doctors and medical personnel that have been prepared by the BNPB.

Deputy Director of the Protection of Indonesian Citizens (WNI) and Legal Entities Indonesia (BHI) Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Krishna Djelani said the first phase of this team, bringing two main missions are carrying humanitarian aid and accelerate the evacuation of citizens.

“The team will deliver the phase 1 of the humanitarian aid in the form of the most urgent basic needs, such as hospital tents, surgery equipment, medical equipment, medicines, refugees’ tents, as well as fast food,” Krishna said.

According to the data on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there are 76 Indonesian citizens in Nepal when the devastating earthquake. As many as 19 of them are citizens who settled in Nepal and 57 citizens who are conducting a visit to Nepal.

However, from 19 citizens who settled, 13 citizens known to have survived and in good condition and the others 6 are still traced their existence. Meanwhile, from 57 citizens who are visiting, 35 Indonesian citizens have been known to have survived, 10 people still unknown, and 12 Indonesian citizens had left Nepal after the reopening of the Kathmandu International Airport on Sunday (26/4) ago.  (WID/ES)

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