G20 Summit: President Jokowi Proposes Three Joint Efforts to Achieve SDGs

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 1 November 2021
Category: News
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President Joko Widodo receives G20 presidency in 2022 from PM of Italy on the closing of G20 Summit in Italy, (31/10). (Photo: BPMI/Laily Rachev)

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has encouraged G20 countries to redouble efforts to accelerate the achievement of sustainable development goals or SDGs.

“We must immediately take action so that the world will not fall into a prolonged crisis. The G20 countries must make a number of joint efforts to ensure that the SDGs can achieved according to the target set in nine years,” said President Jokowi at the G20 Summit session discussing sustainable development in La Nuvola, Rome, Italy, Sunday (31/10).

Those joint efforts are, first, to build solidarity to help the most vulnerable countries and communities.

According to the President, the debt service suspension initiative and the additional allocation of Special Drawing Rights (SDR) worth US$650 billion are important steps to provide policy space for low and middle income countries to let them stay focused on fighting the pandemic.

Second, to strengthen global partnerships to help finance and access technology for developing countries.

The financing gap, which is widening from US$2.5 trillion per year to US$4.2 trillion per year must be a serious concern, he added.

“Innovative financing mobilization to close the SDGs funding gap, including through blended finance, must be carried out immediately. A sustainable increase in private investment must be encouraged to re-start the economy and create jobs in developing countries,” he said.

Third, to increase the capacity for adaptation and resilience to future shocks and uncertainties, especially in the health sector, fiscal capacity, and capacity for planning and implementation of development.

For the record, the United Nations has reported that at least eight countries are a at very high risk and forty countries are at a high risk for lost generation, mainly due to declining learning and employment opportunities.

According to President Jokowi, Indonesia has developed policies aimed at improving education sector and providing social protection for those who are most vulnerable and unemployed.

“But many other countries are at a high risk. The G20 must join hands to help those country prevent the lost generation. Only then can we recover together towards a better future without leaving anyone behind,” he said. (BPMI/UN) (EST/EP)

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