Government Dissolves 9 Non-Structural Institutions

Cabinet Secretary PramonoAnung and Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms AsmanAbnur are about to give a press statement at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, Tuesday (20/9) (Photo by: Public Relations Division/Deni)
President Joko Jokowi Widodo in a limited cabinet meeting on Tuesday (20/9) has decided to dissolve nine non-structural institutions, namely:
- Badan Benih Nasional (National Seeding Agency)
- Badan Pengendalian Bimbingan Massal (Mass Guidance Control Agency)
- Dewan Pemantapan Ketahanan Ekonomi dan Keuangan (Financial and Economic Resilience Stabilization Council)
- Komite Pengarah Pengembangan Kawasa nEkonomi Khusus di Pulau Batam, Pulau Bintan, dan Pulau Karimun (Steering Committee of the Development of Special Economic Zones/SEZs in the Islands of Batam, Bintan, and Karimun)
- Tim Nasional Pembakuan Nama Rupabumi (National Team of Standardization of Topographical Names)
- Dewan Kelautan Indonesia (Indonesian Maritime Council)
- DewanNasionalKawasanPerdaganganBebasdanPelabuhanBebas (National Council of Free Trade Area and Free Seaports)
- BadanKoordinasiPenataanRuangNasional (Coordinating Agency of National Space Arrangement)
- Komisi Nasional Pengendalian Zoonosis (National Committee of Zoonosis Control).
At the limited cabinet meeting, the Government has decided to dissolve 9 non-structural institutions. Thus, from the total 127 non-structural institutions, at least 21 of them have been dissolved, said Cabinet Secretary PramonoAnung after the meeting, which discussed re-organization of non-structural institutions, management of state civil apparatus and the plan to establish the National Cyber Agency.
Pramono added that from the remaining 106 non-structural institutions, 85 of them were established by laws so they cannot easily be dissolved. However, he said that for agencies established by laws, it is those laws that have to be amended first.
President Jokowi has instructed Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms AsmanAbnur to review those 106 non-structural organizations and reduce them into 85 non-structural institutions. So there will possibly be 21 non-structural institutions that will be dissolved, merged, or something like that. Or we can take whatever steps necessary later on, Pramono said, adding that the President has instructed related ministers to optimize and maximize the existing ministries/institutions.
According to the instruction from the President, in the amended laws, we do not have to make a provision to establish new agencies. Thus, we have to maximize and optimize the existing ministries/institutions, Pramono said.
In the meantime, related to tasks and functions of those dissolved institutions, AsmanAbnur said that their functions and tasks will be restored and integrated to institutions/ministries that deal withareas covered by those dissolved institutions
Take, for example, the National Seed Agency. Were going to restore its functions to government institution that oversee agricultural sector such as Ministry of Agriculture. Its also the same with other dissolved institutions,Asman said.
In the meantime, commenting on the fate of officials in those dissolved institutions, Asman said that there are only around 10-20 government officials serving in each of those institutions and those officials will be returned to their respective institutions/ministries.
As for the fate of non-tenured staffs, we will certainly address it in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations, Asman said.
Asman added that the move to dissolve these institutions is expected to bring budget efficiency; yet, he could not divulge yet how much money the Government can save from this efficiency.
Later on, I will report the total amount of funds we can save because we have not talked about that yet in details and we have not calculated how much we can save in total, the Minister said.
Asman further said that the dissolving of these nine non-structural institutions would be in effect after the issuance of the presidential regulation on the dissolving of those institutions.
Certainly, it will be within the authority of Cabinet Secretary to follow up this matter (dissolving the institutions),Asman said. (DNA/UN)(EP/YM/Naster)