Gov’t Announces Regulations for Emergency PPKM

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 1 Juli 2021
Category: News
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Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Minister of Health, and Minister of Home Affairs deliver a press statement on the implementation of emergency PPKM, virtually, Thursday (01/07). (Source: Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment YouTube Account)

Following the announcement of an emergency public activity restriction (PPKM Darurat) in the islands of Java and Bali from 3 to 20 July 2021, the Indonesian Government has issued a regulation on the emergency PPKM.

The regulation, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment as well as Deputy Chairperson of the Committee for COVID-19 Handling and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said, was prepared carefully through study as well as substantial inputs from various parties, such as epidemiologists, medical associations, regional governments, and other related parties. The regulation was also made based on Indonesia’s experience in handling the pandemic as well as other countries.

“The regulation was made with optimal preparation and we also have reported it to President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo. The President has also agreed with these steps,” Luhut said in a virtual press conference, Thursday (01/07).

Luhut added that the President had also ordered the relevant ranks to carry out this policy firmly and measurably.

“Earlier we spoke with the governors and mayors/regents and we all agreed that we would do this in an assertive manner,” he said.

The following is the regulation on the emergency PPKM:

  1. Non-essential sector should apply a 100-percent work from home (WFH) policy;
  2. Teaching and learning activities (schools, colleges, academies, places of education/training) are carried out online;
  3. Implementation of activities in the sector of:
    1. Essential sector such as finance and banking, capital markets, payment systems, information and communication technology, non-quarantine COVID-19 hotels, export-oriented industries, is imposed by applying 50 percent of maximum work from office (WFO) and strict health protocols;
    2. Critical sector such as energy, health, security, logistics and transportation, food, beverage and supporting industries, petrochemicals, cement, national vital objects, disaster management, national strategic projects, construction, basic utilities (electricity and water), and industries producing the people’s daily necessities, is imposed by applying 100 percent of maximum work from office (WFO) and strict health protocols;
    3. For supermarkets, traditional markets, and grocery stores, operating hours are limited to 20.00 local time with a maximum capacity of 50 percent visitors; andFor pharmacies and drug stores, they can operate 24 hours;

d. Activities at shopping centers/malls/trade centers are temporarily closed;

e. Eating/drinking activities in public places (food stalls, restaurants, cafes, street vendors, hawker stalls) both in separate locations and those located in shopping centers/malls, they should only accept delivery/take away and refuse dine-in;

f. Construction sites (construction and project sites) are allowed to operate 100 percent by implementing stricter health protocols;

g. Places of worship (mosques, prayer rooms, churches, temples, monasteries, and pagodas as well as other public places that function as places of worship) are temporarily closed;

h. Public facilities (public areas, public parks, public tourist attractions, and other public areas) are temporarily closed;

i. Arts/cultural, sports, and social activities (locations of arts, culture, sports facilities, and social activities that can cause crowds), the locations are temporarily closed;

j. Public transportation (public transportation, mass transportation, conventional and online taxis as well as rental vehicles) can operate with a maximum capacity of 70 percent by implementing stricter health protocols;

k. Wedding reception can be attended by a maximum of 30 people by implementing stricter health protocols. Eating is not allowed at the reception venue. Provision of food is only allowed if stored in a closed container to be taken home;

l. Domestic travelers using long-distance transportation (airplanes, buses, and trains) must show a vaccine card (at least the first dose of vaccination) and D-2 PCR result for planes as well as D-2 antigen test result for other long-distance transportation modes;

m. Wearing masks correctly and consistently when carrying out activities outside the house. It is not permitted to use a face shield without wearing a mask; and

n. Micro PPKM in the neighborhood units/hamlets of a Red Zone should still be carried out.

The Coordinating Minister stated that the emergency PPKM applies in 48 regencies/cities with an assessment of the pandemic situation at level 4 and 74 regencies/municipalities with an assessment of the pandemic situation at level 3 in Java and Bali islands. The following is those regencies/cities:

  1. Special Capital Region of Jakarta, for regencies/cities with level 4 criteria, namely the Thousand Islands administrative regency, West Jakarta administrative city, East Jakarta administrative city, South Jakarta administrative city, North Jakarta administrative city, and Central Jakarta administrative city.
  2. Banten, for regencies/cities with level 3 criteria, namely Tangerang regency, Serang regency, Lebak regency, and Cilegon city; and level 4, namely South Tangerang city, Tangerang city, and Serang city.
  3. West Java, for regencies/cities with level 3 criteria, namely Sumedang regency, Sukabumi regency, Subang regency, Pangandaran regency, Majalengka regency, Kuningan regency, Indramayu regency, Garut regency, Cirebon regency, Cianjur regency, Ciamis regency, Bogor regency, West Bandung regency, and Bandung regency; and level 4, namely Purwakarta regency, Karawang regency, Bekasi regency, Sukabumi city, Depok city, Cirebon city, Cimahi city, Bogor city, Bekasi city, Banjar city, Bandung city, and Tasikmalaya city.
  4. Central Java for, regencies/cities with level 3 criteria, namely Wonosobo regency, Wonogiri regency, Temanggung regency, Tegal regency, Sragen regency, Semarang regency, Purworejo regency, Purbalingga regency, Pemalang regency, Pekalongan regency, Magelang regency, Kendal regency, Karanganyar regency, Jepara regency, Demak regency, Cilacap regency, Brebes regency, Boyolali regency, Blora regency, Batang regency, Banjarnegara regency, and Pekalongan city; and level 4, namely Sukoharjo regency, Rembang regency, Pati regency, Kudus regency, Klaten regency, Kebumen regency, Grobogan regency, Banyumas regency, Tegal city, Surakarta city, Semarang city, Salatiga city, and Magelang city.
  5. Special Region of Yogyakarta, for the regencies/cities with level 3 criteria, namely Kulonprogo regency and Gunungkidul regency; and level 4, namely Sleman regency, Bantul regency, and Yogyakarta city.
  6. East Java, for regencies/cities with level 3 criteria, namely Tuban regency, Trenggalek regency, Situbondo regency, Sampang regency, Ponorogo regency, Pasuruan regency, Pamekasan regency, Pacitan regency, Ngawi regency, Nganjuk regency, Mojokerto regency, Malang regency, Magetan regency , Lumajang regency, Kediri regency, Jombang regency, Jember regency, Gresik regency, Bondowoso regency, Bojonegoro regency, Blitar regency, Banyuwangi regency, Bangkalan regency, Probolinggo city, and Pasuruan city; and level 4, namely Tulungagung regency, Sidoarjo regency, Madiun regency, Lamongan regency, Surabaya city, Mojokerto city, Malang city, Madiun city, Kediri city, Blitar city, and Batu city.
  7. Bali, for the regencies/cities with level 3 criteria, namely Jembrana regency, Buleleng regency, Badung regency, Gianyar regency, Klungkung regency, Bangli regency, and Denpasar city. (TGH/UN) (FI/EP)    
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