Gov’t Applauds PPK for Decree on Graft-Convicted Civil Servants

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 4 Februari 2019
Category: News
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Head of National Civil Service Agency (BKN) Bima Haria

Head of National Civil Service Agency (BKN) Bima Haria

The Indonesian Government appreciates measure taken by Head of the Personnel Supervisor Officer (PPK) for dishonorably discharging state civil apparatus (ASN) and civil servants (PNS) implicated in corruption, according to Head of the National Civil Service Agency (BKN) Bima Aria Wibisana said at a press conference in Surabaya, East Java, Thursday (31/1).

Bima admitted that the issuance of the PTDH Decree might encounter a number of issues, including incomplete administrative data, technical problems, and various humanitarian reasons that make the PPK difficult to make decisions.

Therefore, Bima continued, his agency will provide help especially in providing data that can speed up the process.

“Although there is no time limit for the PPK to issue the PDTH Decree, I urge them to immediately issue the document . Otherwise, the PPK will be considered to commit maladministration or even be accused of violating the laws,” Bima said, adding that he will release an official letter containing an order for the PPK to follow up the remaining graft-convicted PNS that have not received a PTDH Decree.

“The next step will be set in the form of a joint letter between Head of BKN, Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms (PANRB), or in the form of a letter from Minister of Home Affairs to Regional Heads and a letter from Minister of PANRB to the Central Government,” Bima concluded.

Data from the BKN as of 29 January 2019 shows that of 2,357 PNS found guilty in corruption case by legally binding conviction, 20 percent (or 478 people) of them have been dishonorably discharged. 49 of them people work for Ministries/Institutions and 429 work for regional governments. (Public Relations of BKN/ES)

Translated by: Estu Widyamurti
Edited by: M. Ersan Pamungkas

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