Gov’t Appoints 137 Hospitals to Handle COVID-19 Cases

Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy meets reporters after attending a meeting at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (4/3). (Photo by: PR/Jay)
Indonesian Government has added 37 more hospitals to handle cases of COVID-19 virus, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy has said.
According to Muhadjir, there were 100 appointed hospitals before the addition. The total number of hospitals has increased to 137, he said, adding that some private-owned hospitals have offered their services to handle the cases.
“Currently, actually every day, there are updates of our Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) results throughout Indonesia. We will continue to improve it, moreover, after the 2 cases occurred,” Muhadjir said after attending a meeting at the Presidential Office, Jakarta, Wednesday (4/3).
The Government also tracked down those who are exposed to COVID-19 infected patients.
“For example, the case of a New Zealand citizen from Iran who stopped by in Bali; we tracked down everyone, there were maybe around 30 people, and they were all turned out to be negative,” he said.
The Government will also transform a former camp for Vietnamese refugees on Galang Island into a hospital specifically made for the COVID-19 patients.
“. President Jokowi gave us a directive to make it ready to be used, as an alternative (facilities), in less than a month. The facilities in Natuna and Sebaru Islands will also remain our choices (to treat the infected patients),” Muhadjir concluded. (FID/EN)
Translated by: Fairuzzamani Inayatillah
Reviewed by: Mia M. Bonaedy