Govt. Boosts the Infrastructure Projects, Cement Consumption Go up Significantly

President Director of PT Semen Gresik Suparni accompanied ASI chairman Widodo Santosa and Chief of Staff of the President Teten Masduki deliver a press statement, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Monday (28/9)
President Director of PT Semen Gresik Suparni accompanied ASI chairman Widodo Santosa and Chief of Staff of the President Teten Masduki deliver a press statement, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Monday (28/9)
The seriousness of the government to accelerate infrastructure development projects provides excitement for the perpetrators of the cement industry in the country. Recorded since August 2015, the number of cement consumption in the country increased significantly. This is an indicator of the movement of the infrastructure development.
“In August 2015 cement consumption reached 6.28 million tons, an increase of 17.0 percent compared to August 2014 amounted to 5.37 million tons. in September 2015 cement consumption is expected to rise 6 percent compared to September 2014 amounted to 6.63 million tones,” Chairman of the Indonesian Cement Association (ASI) Widodo Santoso told to reporters after received by the President of Joko Widodo (Jokowi), at the State Palace, Jakarta, on Monday (28/9) morning.
Managing Director (CEO) of PT Semen Gresik Suparni, which is also with Widodo met with President Jokowi, added that the volume of sales in August 2015 recorded 2.3 million tons, an increase of 11.5 percent compared to the volume of sales in August 2014. While in September 2015, is expected to increase by 4.0 percent when compared to the volume of sales in September 2014.
Suparni continue, encouraging that the share of sales of bulk cement produced by PT Semen Gresik in August increased by nearly 30 percent compared to last year. “This means an increase in infrastructure projects and properties, because the bulk cement is mostly consumed for big projects,” Suparni explains.
“Semen Padang which supplies Sumatra and West Java is now able to sell cement on average per day over 22,000 tons of cement. While Semen Gresik, which supplies for Java, Bali, Kalimantan and eastern Indonesia over 45,000 tons, and cement Tonasa which supplies for Sulawesi, part of Borneo, the Moluccas, and Papua above 20,000 tons,” Suparni said.
Thus, Suparni said that the cement production per day has increased by an average of 12-15 percent compared to the first semester of 2015.
Both the Chairman of ASI and President Director of PT Semen Gresik expects cement consumption in the next 4 months will increase approximately 4-5 percent, so that total consumption of the cement at the end of the year increased by 2 percent compared to last year. (DID/AGG/ES)/Sy.