Gov’t Cancels National and School Equivalency Exams of 2021

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 4 Februari 2021
Category: News
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Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Anwar Makarim has issued Circular Number 1 of 2021 on the Cancellation of National Exam and School Equivalency Exams and the Implementation of National Exam during COVID-19 Emergency Period.

In the circular, the Ministry will take several measures to prioritize the health and safety of students, teachers, and educators amidst the COVID-19 pandemic which showing no signs of slowing down.

The measures are as follows:

First, the National Exam and school equivalency exams will be cancelled in 2021.

Second, due to the cancellation, the results of National Exam and school equivalency exams are no longer required for graduation and for entering higher education.

Third, students will officially graduate after they complete all academic programs during COVID-19 pandemic which is proven by school report cards issued twice yearly, get good grades on attitude/behavior, and partake in exams held by educational units.

Fourth, the aforementioned exams held by educational units cover a number of aspects, such as students’ portfolio on the evaluation of report grades, attitude/behavior grades, previous achievements (competition or contest), tasks, online or offline tests, and/or other evaluations carried out by educational units.

Fifth, for vocational school students, they must take exams held by educational units and may also take vocational competency tests based on the provisions of laws and regulations.

Sixth, the requirements for school equivalency exams for elementary school (Paket A), junior high school (Paket B), and senior high school (Paket C) are as follows:

  1. students will graduate if they meet the provisions as referred to in the Third point;
  2. students of equivalency program who take exams held by educational units as referred to in the Third point will receive recognition;
  3. exams held by equivalent educational units comprising of a number of aspects as referred to in the Fourth point;
  4. participants of exams held by equivalent educational units are students registered on the database of early education, primary education, and secondary education; and
  5. the results of exams held by equivalent educational units must be input into the database of education.

Seventh, end-of-semester exams or student promotion tests are conducted in form of students’ portfolio on the evaluation of report grades, attitude/behavior grades, achievements (competition or contest), tasks, online or offline tests, and/or other evaluations carried out by school.

End-of-semester exams or student promotion tests are aimed at encouraging meaningful learning process, rather than assessing students’ achievement based on curriculum.

Eighth, public school enrollment will be conducted based on this following provisions:

  1. it must be conducted based on Regulation of Minister of Education and Culture Number 2 of 2021 on public school enrollment on kindergarten, elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, and vocational school;
  2. Center for Data and Information of the Ministry of Education and Culture provides technical guidance on the mechanism of online school enrollment for regions.

Nadiem asserted that provisions on the Third to Eighth points will be implemented by strictly adhering to the health protocols. (MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND CULTURE PR/UN) (RAS/MMB)

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