Gov’t Changes Organizational Structure of Public Works Ministry

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 2 Januari 2019
Category: News
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2JAN_BIn a bid to support the availability of infrastructure financing to speed up infrastructure development on public works and public housing field, the Government deems it necessary to strengthen and revitalize organizational structure of Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing.

With this consideration, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on 20 December 2018 signed Presidential Regulation Number 135 of 2018 on Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing.

Under this Presidential Regulation, organizations within the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing are revised as: a. Secretariat General; b. Directorate General of Water Resources; c. Directorate General of Highway Construction and Maintenance; d. Directorate General of Human Settlements; e. Director General of Housing Procurement; f. Directorate General of Construction Development; g. Directorate General of Infrastructure Financing for Public Works and Public Housing (previously called Directorate General of Housing Financing, Article 4 of Presidential Regulation Number 15 of 2015).

The other organizations are: h. Inspectorate General; i. Regional Infrastructure Development Agency; j. Research and Development Agency; k. Human Resources Development Agency; l. Expert Staff for Development Integration; m. Expert Staff for Economics and Investment; n. Expert Staff on Socio-Cultural and the Role of the Community Field; o. Expert Staff for Inter-Institutional Relations; and p. Expert Staff for Technology, Industry and Environment.

“Directorate General of Infrastructure Financing for Public Works and Public Housing has task of organizing formulation and implementation of policies on infrastructure financing in the field of public works and public housing based on provisions of the laws and regulations,” Article 24 of Presidential Regulation Number 135 of 2018 reads.

In implementing its task, Directorate General of Infrastructure Financing for Public Works and Public Housing shall carry out several functions, among others: a. exercise policies on system development of infrastructure financing for public works and public housing; b. exercise policies on facilitation and investment services in public works and public housing infrastructure; c. stipulate funding sources and public works and housing infrastructure financing schemes; d. accelerate cooperation between the Government and business entities on infrastructure financing for public works and public housing; and e. implement the administration of the Directorate General of Infrastructure Financing for Public Works and Public Housing.

Based on this Presidential Regulation, budget adjustment to Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing as an implication of the stipulation of this Presidential Regulation shall apply in the 2019 Fiscal Year.

“This Presidential Regulation shall apply as of the date of its promulgation,” reads Article II of Presidential Regulation Number 135 of 2018 stipulated by Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly on the date of December 21st 2018. (Pusdatin/ES)





Translated by : Rany Anjany Subachrum
Edited by : Ersan Pamungkas



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